Saturday, November 10, 2007


I can honestly say that I want to change the world.
I can't honestly say that I am going to.
I can honestly say that I love my family with all myself forever.
I can't honestly say that I will be with them forever.
I can honestly say that I have made a lot of horrible choices.
I can't honestly say that I am done making them.
I can honestly say that my friends have had a huge influence on my life.
I can't honestly say that I will always be the right influence for them.
I can honestly say that I want to succeed.
I can't honestly say that I will not fail.
I can honestly say that I am full of questions.
I can't honestly say that I have any answers.
I can honestly say that there is truth.
I can't honestly say that I completely know it.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The-Only-Man-You-Know-Who-Feared liked Men....

Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard who ever lived! Recently Author JK Rowling revealed that the beloved wizard swinged the other way. I still consider this man to be the greatest wizard who ever lived, but some people do not. Entirely based on his sexuality.
The sudden uproar has been comical yet annoying.
Why has the media given this so much attention and why have so many people changed their whole perception on the headmaster based on his sexuality. I guess it makes sense that the media would have a hey day but does anyone know what else she disclosed at this book reading...? Aberforth Dumbledore (Albus' brother) had some issues in the seventh book that had to do with a goat. What was this? Aberforth practiced bestiality in other words he really really like goats. Anything that should make people cringe is the idea of a man with a goat but no everyone is ticked off that Dumbledore was more attracted to men. This actually made me quite happy because it was just one more thing Dumbledore had in common with me.
How does the fact that Dumbledore liked men take away from him being a respectable wizard. He still helped Harry, he still was the greatest headmaster ever, he still was wise, compassionate, and OPEN MINDED (unlike a few of the readers).
Another thing that upsets me is that people are now saying they will never be able to look at his and Harry's relationship the same way. Let me make one thing clear for you guys there is a HUGE difference between being gay and being a pedophile. Would you have gotten worried if Hermoine had that relationship with a straight Dumbledore. NO! Because that relationship was not sexual at all!
Another thing Dumbledore was born gay. JK Rowling didn't just make this up on the spot. When this character was created in her mind he was a homosexual character. Nothing ever changed. JK Rowling wasn't doing this to get a rise out of people. She didn't just stand up and yell "Albus is a homosexual!" For the book tour they have question and answer periods. A fan got up and asked about Dumbledore's love life. This was a legitimate answer to a legitimate question. What did you want her to lie? No as the fans we really want to know what the characters lives are like.
It just shows how our society truly hasn't moved that far. We cannot even accept a fictional character that is homosexual. He has gotten the same abuse that real homosexuals get and it is incredibly sad.
His sexuality changed nothing about the books and really shouldn't be made as big of a deal as it has been. Why can't we just accept that some people are straight and others are gay. a Gay person can be great and so can a straight person. Your sexuality doesn't define your character.

An Outraged Harry Potter Freak.

Friday, November 2, 2007


I love my family more than life itself! They are seriously the worlds most amazing people. they are my best friends.

My father is the most amazing man in the world, and it will be hard for any guy I meet to live up to him. He has the one of the strongest testimonies of Christ, that I have ever seen. He is strong yet compassionate. Plus he gives the best hugs.

My mother works so hard to make sure everyone is happy. She helps not to get recognition but because she cares so much about all of us. She is so strong in her faith and leads such a good life. She will do anything for me and is always making sure I am where I should be.

I could go on and on about my parents and the rest of my family, but I will not bore everyone else.

I love my family and they are most important people. I truly want to be with them forever.