#11- A picture of your celebrity crush
Everyday I have posted more than one picture, so why stop now? My celebrity crushes in order of the love/lust.
James Dean is literally #1-100! He was a phenomenal actor, a photographer, and IMO the best looking guy to ever live.
Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden, and Giant are three amazing movies. It is strange that I could love the movie East of Eden as much as I do, because the book is read constantly by me, but James Dean is perfect, and great looking in it.
James Franco, he looks like Jams Dean. Also he is actually a very good actor. Sometimes he doesn't get my most favorite roles, but I still enjoy him in them. He has worked really hard to get where he is, and he is good-looking.
I love you, James Franco.
Alright this one is entirely lust, Jay Hernandez. He is my latin lover.
Another one that is entirely based on lust. Miles Austin, one of the receivers for the Cowboys, and yes I made sure that Dallas Star was in this photo. Go Boys, and Miles Austin keep your helmet on, and protect that pretty face. Unless of course you are on the sideline then let me see it. |
Last, but certainly not least is Zach Braff. He is funny, creative, and has great style and taste in music. How can I not love this man? He is kinda goofy, but still good looking. I love you, Zach Braff. |
Since you're getting married and all, does that mean I can have Miles? :)
Wanna see my list of crushes?
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