Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wilt Chamberlain was #13 and so is today.

Day 13- Post a picture of something you hate.

Well HATE is a strong word, but, lucky for you, there is something out there I hate....

or a much more honest picture...
It is the news station that I HATE not the people. I just have an extreme distaste for the people on it....
Megyn Kelly

Bill O'Reilly

Glenn Beck
Who promote stuff like this...

and you just spit all over the American Muslims
that were killed in the attack, and all over our constitution. 

This lady reads all of the newspapers, and magazines. 

The Tea Party

brought to you by the tea party. Is anyone surprised? 
 This blog is going to be hard to post because the idea of these pictures being up on my blog is absolutely horrible.
Fox News, I wouldn't have a problem if you stood for what you really are... a conservative propaganda machine, but claiming to be fair and balanced is a lie, and it is sad because your viewers believe it is true. They believe that what you are saying doesn't have a ridiculous republican agenda. You have been called out multiple times, and have admitted to skewing the news to reach your audience, so it is time you stop calling yourself fair and balances. Fox News is everything that is wrong with american politics, and has dramatically increased the polarization of politics.


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