I am sitting down thinking, "Hey, I will write a best/worst things about this week blog!" Then bam it hits me, "this past week has been incredibly sucky!" Oh well! I will still give it a shot!
First the easy stuff...
Top ten worst things about this past week or so
10- I have been suffering from the "tetris effect" so I have been seeing falling boxes in my head all day and night.
9- Not playing that well at dodgeball due to who knows what
8- I am doing a group presentation in my multicultural psych class. It is worth half of our grade and I don't know how much I trust my group!
7-The cowboys lost horribly! They had the opportunity to basically clinch the wildcard for their conference and lost.
6- Its finals week and that has equaled a lot of late nights.
5- It is beginning to get cold outside. Oh Logan how your freezing temps kill me!
4- Although it is fun getting the money back from your books at the end of the semester. I can't help but think I spent 120 dollars on you initially and am only recieving 52 in return.
3- I did horrible on my stats final! I do not understand how this happened but it did!
2- I have been taking a different path in my life and in order to do so I had to give up my best friend.
1- The Utah State basketball game was a little bit sad. We shot 40% and had so many turnovers.
Top ten best things about this past week or so
10- Being able to listen to my friends jam sessions and finally getting to hang out with them after 2 long years!
9- Possibly having a job for the break!
8- Taco Bell trips at midnight.
7- Tetris is fantastic!
6- Parker is back in town
5- watching Crash and being able to give a presentation on white privilege
4- This semester is over!
3- It's almost Christmas!
2- Being apart of the USU Student Section! I don't think any one understands it until they enter that atmosphere. It is fantastic!
1- As sucky as things have been I am actually incredibly happy. Does it make sense? No but I am loving it still.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The U
Top Ten Reasons why I would never go to the U
It might not be the worse school in Utah *cough* BYU *cough* but it still is a school that I wouldn't attend.
10-I will give the Utes mad props for being the first school to bust the BCS and go on to win the fiesta bowl but it still wasn't the greatest bcs buster/fiesta bowl known to man and that makes it not as great.
9- They are suppose to be the most left winged school in Utah but somehow always lose to USU in the recycling competition. Yeah you guys are so far to the left and green... (sarcasm)
8- Being part of "The Muss" muss means a state of disorder, confusion, or chaos. You can either think that is awesome or ridiculous... to me "The Muss" just sounds lame.
7- The fight song "Utah man" it is f'ing ridiculous!
6- Commuter school!
5- The only way to make college friends is by joining a frat or a sorority. I am no "Sor-whore"
4- Your mascot if a hawk and you are the Utes... anyone else confused?
3- Outside of Utah no one would know you were talking about the University of Utah if you said "I went (or go) to the U."
2- Although their basketball team is now looking okay they lost their opening game to Southwest Baptist! Oh the disappointment!
1- I enjoy living on my own instead of in my parents basement!
I obviously am happy with the Utah school that I attend, and would not attend the other few. In the end the U is much better then BYU but still not even comparable to going to USU. They have a great football team and you can't deny that but not even a BCS busting football team is worth going to if you will be living in your parents basement(period).
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm sorry I am not an illogical girl.
One of my least favorite things is officially "Twilight Mania." This weekend I was invited to see the movie with my sisters and mother. Loving family outings like this, I happily accepted.
My opinion on the book was not great. I watched a talk show that Stephanie Myers, the author, appeared on. After she and the hosts compared her to JK Rowling, I became incredibly anti-Twilight. While I did enjoy reading the book before at that moment I discovered a new found hatred. Her books lack in character development, and dialogue. The stories aren't even comparable and the writing is like comparing a writer for a college newspaper to a writer for the New York Times. Ridiculous!
Now the movies reinforce the belief that falling in love is the greatest thing and only thing worth happening in your life. People can survive without love and without the one they love. You will not die if they are gone. Plain and simple life moves on. Am I honestly suppose to believe that these seventeen year olds have an undying love? That is entirely based on her smell and his looks? Give me a break! I hate that movie and I hate that book. I do not want to deal with teenage girls who think that is how life really is.
I would now like to thank Stephanie Myers for reminding me why being a feminist is so great!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I would never be a Zoobie!
The Top Ten reasons why I would NEVER attend BYU
***note this is only the top ten reasons why I would never attend the school. Not the only reasons only the top ten! ***
10-Attending church at the school. I like being able to sit in a chapel.
9- Tests on Saturdays!
8- I like men with beards!
7- Provo, Utah... need I say more?
6- I am not quite self-righteous enough to attend that school yet.
5- The Honor Code! I enjoy my agency, thank-you!
4- Austin Collie... although a good player what he represents is #6 and he is incredibly outspoken about it. You don't say that stuff Collie!
3- Knowing that being "True Blue" equals "Aggie Blue." Why would I want my school colors to be a lie?
2- I don't want to poof my hair, or get ready to go work out! I am not that superficial of a person.
1- Dave Rose! I could never root for their basketball team because I have zero respect for the coach of it. Take college basketball away from my life and you take away my life. Plus I would never want to be on the opposing side of the Aggies this year at the ESA or any year!
Friday, October 24, 2008
1:51 AM
I possibly suffer from insomnia, or I suffer from "can'tgetawayfromfacebookia." I have yet to figure out which one it is, but hopefully I can overcome it and allow myself the joys of sleeping.
These past few weeks have been fairly enjoyable. This blogs list will exist of my most/least favorite memories of the last two weeks or so!
Favorite Memories (in no particular order)!
1- Drinking Jones Root Beer! It is ridiculously tasty! I have had too many though and am starting to get sick.
2- The "Save a Tree...." comment made at Mr. USU! Ridiculous!
3- Riding THE ROCKET RE-ENTRY at Lagoon. It is still incredibly frightening taking that ride to the top but so enjoyable.
3a- As a side note Wicked, The Spider, and The Samurai were all equally enjoyable. "Lagoon it's what fun is!"
4-Finding out that every other girl is as ridiculous as me in the late night text they will send out.
5-Long Johns + Hollywood Video + Brots!
6-HOMECOMING WEEK! It is so fantastic! I cannot wait for the game on saturday.
7- Finding out who Craig Clark really is
8- Jason and Andy are home! I will be seeing them again tomorrow.
9- Watching TCU slaughter BYU!
10- Dan's haircut!
Least Favorite Memories (in no particular order)!
1- The way this weeks dodgeball turned out. It was scary, and made the playing of dodgeball non-existent. Hopefully the tradition continues.
2- Doing horribly on my accounting test when I felt I did so well. I am contemplating crying over that.
3- Dealing with being a crazy girl who sends out idiotic text messages at night.
4- Dan's haircut. Although hilarious... I can't help but feel bad.
5- Always losing to Cam in ping-pong. For once I want to win a bloody ping-pong match.
6- Not seeing Buggy when I went home over the weekend. I don't know where he is or was!
7- Papers! Papers! Papers! That is all I have been doing lately!
8- Going to school in a t-shirt on monday, and freezing to death!
9- Cal losing to Arizona! They are not a dependable team to root for this year.
10- Not going to Thriller for the second year in a row!
That has been my last few weeks or so! I have enjoyed it for the most part! Now I will leave you with a question: Whose that Spartan in my teepee?
Monday, October 13, 2008
To sleep or not to sleep...
That is the question in my mind at the moment! Obviously I have decided on "not sleeping." Why? Maybe because my body is not tired and my mind is on overload. There are many reasons why I cannot sleep right now and I have decided to share them on a blog.
1- Facebook Chat and MSN messenger! I probably spent 4 hours talking to people on both of those things tonight instead of doing my accounting homework. Dan, Adrienne, Lia, and Pedro were the culprits in this, but I too avoided it by using those instant messengers. Bah!
2- Accounting homework! I continue to stay up in hopes that I will pull myself off my computer and do my homework. As you can see...by the existence of this blog...I have not been successful.
3- espn.com and cnn.com! I can look at the same thing on both of those sites for hours. They do not change or update, but I continue to go back and forth between those two sites.
4- Candy Corn! It is packed with sugar and I continue to eat my bag of it at 2:30 in them morning. Sleep might be out of the question.
5- The stresses that have come with this past week/month. I am always thinking about it and I need to stop.
6- Unemployment! It stresses me out, so much to not have a job. I am going to soon have to use food stamps or something. I have absolutely no money, and according to my potential employers I am somehow not the right fit for their workplace.
7- Making decisions about important things in my life and what road I want to go down.
Some of these are open because I didn't want this to become a too personal blog; since it is open to the public. Also I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy, but sleep seems so far away right now! Maybe I will try out my nice big bed.... possibly sleep will come when I am not sitting in a hard chair in front of my computer screen.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
If I must...
This is from Samantha Faye. A game called "tag." How exciting!
A list of eights....
8 TV shows I love to watch
1- Heroes
2- The Office
3- Lost
4- 24
5- Sportscenter
6- CNN
7- College football (whenever... wherever)
8- The Simpsons
8 things that happened yesterday
1-Did my Laundry in South Weber
2- watched the 3rd disc of 24 season 2
3- saw the Bugster
4- talked to Alicia about Sarah Palin
5- ate Arbys
6- wrote on the conversation for The Bottom 10 article on espn.com
7- traded cars with my mother
8- slept on a couch
8 favorite places to eat
1- Cafe Rio
2- the hub
3- Takara Sushi
4- Iggys (if something good is on)
6- Taco Bell (I know it is gross, but I love it!)
7- My bed
8- Cutlers
8 things I am looking forward to
1- Jason getting home on monday
2- USU game on saturday
3- Jazz basketball starting up
4- EFY hopefully next summer
5- Seeing my family on sunday
6- Spring Break
7- Aggie Basketball season
8- Nov 8 when Cal beats USC
8 things on my wish list (maybe ridiculous... oh well!)
1- To have a job (that is for you samantha)
2- Obama being president (it will happen)
3- Jazz winning the nba championship
4- Ags winning the WAC and getting into the big dance
5- a secret wish I have but I am writing it still... you don't know!
6- USU football winning 6 games this year
7- Backpack through Europe
8- live a crazy hippie life
8 people I tag
1- Melissa
2- South Webers
3- Linds
4- Posse possibly
5- Dan
6- Pedro
.... that is all, I guess
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
If you wear state and conference rivals' clothing on our campus, then we have a right...
- To give you the thumbs down, the bird, or any hand gesture that shows our hatred for you.
- To kick you, punch you, spit on you, or any other physical gesture that shows our hatred for you.
- To yell at you, "boo" you, call you names, or any other verbal gesture that shows our hatred for you.
- To Ostracize you from activities by not calling you, inviting you, allowing you, or any other form that shows our hatred for you. (ie Signs that say "No BYU Fans" are acceptable and encouraged at all locations in Logan)
*We do not have to explain any of our actions to you. We can avoid your "Why?" question, answer with "You know why!", or give you an explanation if we so choose to.
* These are not the rights we are limited to, but a few that are encouraged.
* This is in no way denying "free speech" but encouraging school pride.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
This week should be good!
I have suddenly lost the desire to do my homework! For the first 5 weeks of school I was on top of it! To the point where I was doing my homework the day before I needed to. Now I sit on facebook chat or find some other random hang out to take up my time. Oh well!
On friday we are playing BYU.... I am excited! I love the football games whether we win or lose, and I have high hopes that we will score and end their shutout streak. In my mind that would be reason enough to rush the field.
Heroes is getting a little bit confusing, but enjoyable none the less. The Office is not on this week due to the vice presidential debates, but I think with Sarah Palin debating it might end up being like a sitcom.
Life is good! Conference is this weekend, and I also get to apply for efy! Yay!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My least favorite things!
TV Series:
- Lost being out of my life. It has officially only been out of my life for an hour and half, but I have clear until January before it enters my life again.
- Heroes season 3 not being in a dvd set on my lap. Now that I have caught up, I am going to have to wait a week for each episode.
- 24... I can't even remember what is happening. I will find out soon though!
- The face that I don't own Arrested Development Seasons 2 & 3! I must go buy those.
- Papers! I need to write a lot of papers for my Multicultural Psych class. Sadly I have the hardest time paying attention in it.... instead I make lists ("Pros and Cons of this Class", "What Countries I want to visit").
- Going from 10:30-3 without a long enough break to stop and get something to eat! If I forget to pack a lunch; I die!
- At the moment I am incredibly jobless. I need money.... I am poor!
- Realizing that I am young because a place won't hire me because of my age. I thought I was old when I turned 20, but no! I am still not qualified for some positions.
With these least favorite things there still are favorites though.... so lets add some optimism.....
- Seinfeld referencing Superman
- The Aggies won! Our football team slaughtered the Vandals 42-17. I know that it was the "pillow fight of the week" but we played well and it turned out not to be a "pillow fight"
- The fact that Cal has a game this week! After they sadly and annoyingly played horribly against Maryland.... they have a chance to redeem themselves. They have a team that could contend; they just need to show up!
- The Cowboys! They are kicking trash in the NFL right now and I am loving it. They proved last week against the packers that they can play even when TO is shut-out! This is going to be a good year!
- I suddenly have an insane amount of numbers in my life and I am enjoying it. You may think this is gross, but it is magnificent!
- They have been there this week, and I have needed them. I love my family!
- Buggy came to the football game with me, and he is hilarious!
- My big brother has been comforting me this week, and I am so glad that He went through this for me, so that He could be here for me now.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Today I love....
10- Sour Spaghetti... the Quickstop sells it
9- Personal Narrative assignments... they make you remember
8- The TSC.... always brightens up the day
7- Class ending early...
6- Lost being online in HD
5- seeing friends when you least expect it
4- Chips and Salsa
3- Alma the younger
2- tshirts and baseball caps
1- Dodgeball!
Today I hate....
10- Stupid mistakes on easy tests
9- The fact that Heroes season 3 doesn't start for another 11 days
8- shoes getting worn out and stinky
7- the lack of sushi in my life
6- Aggie defense or lack thereof
5- McCain/ Palin or possibly the republican party as a whole
4- zits that you pop and they become scabs
3- hidden rooms in Old Main
2- Not having a job and being too lazy to get one
1- BYU fans at Utah State
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A long awaited update...
Hello!! Sorry about not posting since February 7th!! Ahhh!! That was a very long time ago! I decided to do a year in review, so that maybe you and I can remember what has happened in my life...

February brought a whole new fun filled part of my life! I started watching a series called 24 with a very attractive male on February 4. We went on our first date on the 16 and had our first kiss that day. The next day was a Sunday and we baked cookies together. I think it is very possible that we saw each other every day after that during the school year.
March= Spring Break!!! I went on a road trip with the above boy! We went to 7 states (Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado) and he went t0 2 countries (I forgot my birth certificate). The road trip was so we could go watch our college basketball team (THE AGGIES!!) play in the WAC tournament. Although we ended up loosing we definitely still had a great student section and a fun time. Las Cruces is definitely the crap-hole of America after that is El Paso! I am excited to go watch next years tournament in Reno! I think a before trip to San Fran is what will be happening also!

As school came to an end! I stayed the same old Alexis and discovered that dressing up at 3am is great fun! Especially if you are making your t-shirt into a ninja mask! I finished school with flying colors except for in one class but I passed it! I continued to date Daniel after it ended.
The week after school got out the South Weber girls kept it real and went on the baja mexican cruise! I road tripped it out there with a few people! We stopped in Las Vegas on the way home and got this excellent PT picture!!
Summer marked the beginning of something new and fun for me... EFY! My first week I had the greatest Co-Counselors and the worlds most fantastic group "In the Midst." I had a blast! EFY is such a fantastic experience! You really learn so much from the youth. Their insight and testimonies of the gospel is incredible. I think I probably learned more from them than they did from me. That week we had an excellent session director Brother Anderson! I learned a lot from his lessons. Week 2 was also exciting. I had another good group of Cos. Our company "Keys to the Kingdom" was a little wild and didn't seem to bond as quickly, but by the end of the week. I still saw a ton of amazing youth. Although they weren't interested in anything EFY had to offer them at the beginning it was a great experience to watch their hearts be softened and to see them open themselves to the gospel.
I kept it real at EFY! I dressed up like a Sister Missionary and a ninja! I taught the girls from "In the Midst" how to change their t-shirts into a ninja mask. I hope they use that bit of information I gave them elsewhere.... hahah that is definitely not the only thing I want them to have taken home, but still one of them.... 

After Efy was over I got to spend my last few days with Daniel before he left for Australia. It was truly bittersweet! I allowed him to dress me up in random clothes while he was packing! Anything to help lighten in the mood for me. It was great seeing him for those last few days! We shall see how it goes when he gets back, but he truly is an amazing man! 

I hope this year in review was sufficient! I will try and write about my summer life a lot more! I pan on staying caught up on my blog this year! Wish me luck!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
A chant that has been made famous by Barack Obama after his speach in New Hampshire. Obama's campaign is thriving because of the optimism of it. Until he dropped out I was an Edwards supporter, but with him gone I have been captivated by Barack.
I would like to take this time to clear up a few rumors.
1-Barack is a Muslim
This comes from his middle name "Hussein." It is extremely ironic that the man running for President has the middle name of an evil dictator and that his last name sounds like the leader of al'queda. Although ironic it doesn't mean anything! It is just a huge coincidence.
2-Barck refuses to say the pledge of allegience
If I hear this one more time I think I might need to be put in an insane asylum. Not really, but this rumor is driving me up the wall. At a convention the democratic candidates were photographed during the Star Spangled Banner. In the picture all the other candidates have their hands on their hearts while Barack has his together in front of himself.
After this happened is when the Muslim rumor started, but what people need to know is that...
I would like to take this time to clear up a few rumors.
1-Barack is a Muslim
This comes from his middle name "Hussein." It is extremely ironic that the man running for President has the middle name of an evil dictator and that his last name sounds like the leader of al'queda. Although ironic it doesn't mean anything! It is just a huge coincidence.
2-Barck refuses to say the pledge of allegience
If I hear this one more time I think I might need to be put in an insane asylum. Not really, but this rumor is driving me up the wall. At a convention the democratic candidates were photographed during the Star Spangled Banner. In the picture all the other candidates have their hands on their hearts while Barack has his together in front of himself.
After this happened is when the Muslim rumor started, but what people need to know is that...
- We don't know when this picture was taken before/during/after.
- There are hundreds of other photos and videos of him saying the pledge of allegience with his hand on his heart.
- Barack has spoken on this rumor saying something along the lines of, "My grandfather taught me to stand still and sing during the Star Spangled Banner and to have my hand over my hear and recite during the Pledge" Research what he does and you won't find it to be so unusual.
Barack Obama is running a campaign full of hope. People are easily captivated by his optimism (myself included). He has been gaining a lot of momentum and with momentum comes insane amounts of criticism including rumors. So all I ask is that when you hear the criticism you research it for yourself instead of jumping to insane assumptions!
Over and Out,
Alexis Lopez
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