Friday, October 24, 2008

1:51 AM

I possibly suffer from insomnia, or I suffer from "can'tgetawayfromfacebookia." I have yet to figure out which one it is, but hopefully I can overcome it and allow myself the joys of sleeping. 
These past few weeks have been fairly enjoyable. This blogs list will exist of my most/least favorite memories of the last two weeks or so! 

Favorite Memories (in no particular order)! 

1- Drinking Jones Root Beer! It is ridiculously tasty! I have had too many though and am starting to get sick. 
2- The "Save a Tree...." comment made at Mr. USU!  Ridiculous!
3- Riding THE ROCKET RE-ENTRY at Lagoon. It is still incredibly frightening taking that ride to the top but so enjoyable. 
3a- As a side note Wicked, The Spider, and The Samurai were all equally enjoyable. "Lagoon it's what fun is!"
4-Finding out that every other girl is as ridiculous as me in the late night text they will send out. 
5-Long Johns + Hollywood Video + Brots!
6-HOMECOMING WEEK! It is so fantastic! I cannot wait for the game on saturday. 
7- Finding out who Craig Clark really is
8- Jason and Andy are home! I will be seeing them again tomorrow. 
9- Watching TCU slaughter BYU!
10- Dan's haircut!

Least Favorite Memories (in no particular order)!

1-  The way this weeks dodgeball turned out. It was scary, and made the playing of dodgeball non-existent. Hopefully the tradition continues. 
2- Doing horribly on my accounting test when I felt I did so well. I am contemplating crying over that.
3- Dealing with being a crazy girl who sends out idiotic text messages at night. 
4- Dan's haircut. Although hilarious... I can't help but feel bad. 
5- Always losing to Cam in ping-pong.  For once I want to win a bloody ping-pong match. 
6- Not seeing Buggy when I went home over the weekend. I don't know where he is or was! 
7- Papers! Papers! Papers! That is all I have been doing lately! 
8-  Going to school in a t-shirt on monday, and freezing to death! 
9- Cal losing to Arizona! They are not a dependable team to root for this year. 
10- Not going to Thriller for the second year in a row! 

That has been my last few weeks or so! I have enjoyed it for the most part! Now I will leave you with a question: Whose that Spartan in my teepee? 

Monday, October 13, 2008

To sleep or not to sleep...

That is the question in my mind at the moment! Obviously I have decided on "not sleeping." Why?  Maybe because my body is not tired and my mind is on overload.  There are many reasons why I cannot sleep right now and I have decided to share them on a blog.

1- Facebook Chat and MSN messenger! I probably spent 4 hours talking to people on both of those things tonight instead of doing my accounting homework.  Dan, Adrienne, Lia, and Pedro were the culprits in this, but I too avoided it by using those instant messengers. Bah! 

2- Accounting homework! I continue to stay up in hopes that I will pull myself off my computer and do my homework. As you can the existence of this blog...I have not been successful. 

3- and! I can look at the same thing on both of those sites for hours. They do not change or update, but I continue to go back and forth between those two sites. 

4- Candy Corn! It is packed with sugar and I continue to eat my bag of it at 2:30 in them morning. Sleep might be out of the question. 

5- The stresses that have come with this past week/month. I am always thinking about it and I need to stop. 

6-  Unemployment! It stresses me out, so much to not have a job. I am going to soon have to use food stamps or something. I have absolutely no money, and according to my potential employers I am somehow not the right fit for their workplace. 

7- Making decisions about important things in my life and what road I want to go down.  

Some of these are open because I didn't want this to become a too personal blog; since it is open to the public. Also I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy, but sleep seems so far away right now! Maybe I will try out my nice big bed.... possibly sleep will come when I am not sitting in a hard chair in front of my computer screen. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

If I must...

This is from Samantha Faye. A game called "tag." How exciting!

A list of eights....

8 TV shows I love to watch

1- Heroes
2- The Office
3- Lost
4- 24
5- Sportscenter
6-  CNN
7- College football (whenever... wherever) 
8- The Simpsons

8 things that happened yesterday

1-Did my Laundry in South Weber 
2- watched the 3rd disc of 24 season 2
3- saw the Bugster
4- talked to Alicia about Sarah Palin 
5- ate Arbys 
6- wrote on the conversation for The Bottom 10 article on 
7- traded cars with my mother 
8- slept on a couch

8 favorite places to eat 

1- Cafe Rio 
2- the hub 
3- Takara Sushi 
4- Iggys (if something good is on)
6- Taco Bell (I know it is gross, but I love it!) 
7- My bed 
8- Cutlers 

8 things I am looking forward to

1- Jason getting home on monday 
2- USU game on saturday 
3- Jazz basketball starting up 
4- EFY hopefully next summer
5- Seeing my family on sunday 
6- Spring Break
7- Aggie Basketball season
8- Nov 8 when Cal beats USC 

8 things on my wish list (maybe ridiculous... oh well!) 

1- To have a job (that is for you samantha) 
2- Obama being president (it will happen)
3- Jazz winning the nba championship 
4- Ags winning the WAC and getting into the big dance
5- a secret wish I have but I am writing it still... you don't know!
6- USU football winning 6 games this year
7- Backpack through Europe
8- live a crazy hippie life

8 people I tag

1- Melissa
2- South Webers 
3- Linds 
4- Posse possibly
5- Dan
6- Pedro
.... that is all, I guess 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


If you wear state and conference rivals' clothing on our campus, then we have a right...

  1. To give you the thumbs down, the bird, or any hand gesture that shows our hatred for you. 
  2. To kick you, punch you, spit on you, or any other physical gesture that shows our hatred for you.
  3.  To yell at you, "boo" you, call you names, or any other verbal gesture that shows our hatred for you. 
  4.  To Ostracize you from activities by not calling you, inviting you, allowing you, or any other form that shows our hatred for you. (ie Signs that say "No BYU Fans" are acceptable and encouraged at all locations in Logan) 

*We do not have to explain any of our actions to you.  We can avoid your "Why?" question, answer with "You know why!", or give you an explanation if we so choose to. 
* These are not the rights we are limited to, but a few that are encouraged. 
* This is in no way denying "free speech" but encouraging school pride.