Friday, August 5, 2011

All about "The-Boy-Who-Lived" pt 1

Some important things to consider before you read...

  •  If you do not know who that is then this blog is going to be incredibly boring for you.
  •  If you have read all the books, but like me (2 weeks ago) hadn’t read them for a while, and were a little confused about certain parts of the last movie since you hadn’t read the books for a while then I hope this blog addressed those points of confusion.
  • If you have only seen all the movies, then I am amusing that this story already confuses the hell out of you, and maybe this blog can clear some stuff up for you. I would instead recommend that you read all the books. It is never cool to not read a book. I promise you that, I have read Twilight (It sucked, and I don’t pride myself on reading it.  If I hadn’t read it, I wouldn’t pride myself on refusing to read it either though.)
  • If you have neither read the books or seen the movies, but are reading this blog so you never have… well you suck, and I hope this confuses you.

I had not read the seventh book for over a year when I went to see the movie. At the end when Harry doesn’t die after sacrificing himself. I couldn’t remember the EXACT reason why he lives. Dumbledore does not explain it in the movie like he does in the book. I was thinking it might be because he was “The Master of Death” since he was the rightful owner of all three hallows, but he dropped the stone in the forest, and didn’t yet possess the wand.  I chalked it up to being the Hallows because I couldn’t figure out what other reason there was.

A day or two later I remembered something about the bloodline, so I Googled it and asked a few friends.  It of course was the bloodline protection (I will explain this in a later blog), and not the Hallows. The question that followed that realization then was, “What the freak was the purpose of the Hallows then?” Why would the seventh book be named after them, and why would DD (Dumbledore) give Hermione The Tales of Beedle the Bard the book that included the story of “The Three Brothers” (the Deathly Hallows)? Wouldn’t it just distract them from their main responsibility (finding the horcruxes)?

I was very annoyed and wishing I could ask JKR these questions. I was Googling for answers and the best that people had come up with was because it was the final test for Harry from DD to make sure he was truly the selfless person that he would need to be to defeat LV.  Another answer was that other magical ways to be “immortal” were not new to the book. The first book is all about a stone that does just that, and that is the main purpose of horcruxes. Immortality is nothing new in the HP series, so the deathly hallows don't need to be incredibly important. They are just showing you that there are other selfish magical means to immortality. 

Both those answers are acceptable, but I still don’t believe they are a sufficient answer to the question. The book is named after them! They have to be more significant than “just another thing.” This of course was leading to more discussions with friends, and after an hour-long video chat we still had no idea.  Later I came up with a small addition that I think would be a sufficient answer along with the two other reasons. I will discuss that in the second blog also, but first we will have to look at the other books and certain plot points to discuss that. 

I decided to read all the books, and tried to read them before Pottermore (got in the first day within 5 minutes of it opening) was released, but only made it to the fifth book (Boy, is that book grueling, but great). Anyways, I am going to give a quick summary of the important points/questions we can gather from books 1-6, and list the best Harry and the Potters song for each book IMO.  Also if I miss a point 
tell me… I am not going to repeat points that are brought up in every book. Later this week I will write a blog about why I believe the Deathly Hallows are significant, why Harry survived due to the bloodline, and other important things that happened in the 7th book (Snape, and LV's eventual death). 

1- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.  Best Harry and the Potters' song: “I am a Wizard.” 
  • Why is it important for Harry to stay with the Dursley's? Especially after we find that they are abusive. DD at the beginning says that it would be too much to be raised in a world where you are famous before you can walk/talk
  • Snape seems to be quite the douche, but he still protects Harry. He obiously has a problem with Gryffindors, but the way he treats Harry is ridiculous. Dude is mean. DD says it is because James saved Snape's life. 
  • Harry looks like his father, but has Lily's eyes. 
  • Harry survived because of his mother's sacrifice.
  • Why didn't LV die? 
  • Why did LV target the Potter family?
  • What does DD see in the Mirror of Erised? We all know it isn't a pair of woolen socks. 
  • LV can't physically touch HP because of Lily's sacrifice. 
2.   Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  Best Harry and the Potters' song: “Save Ginny Weasley from the Basilisk."
  • How can Harry speak parseltongue? DD pretty much tells HP he is a horcrux, but we do not know they even exist yet. He says it is because part of Voldy is in Harry. 
  • How exactly did the diary work? All we know is that it was extremely dark magic.
  • Why is there a jinx on the DADA job? This is mentioned 3 times in this book, and I believe mentioned in every book afterwards. 
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Best Harry and the Potters' Song: “Gryffindor Rocks” or “My Teacher is a Werewolf.”
  • This is the only book that LV doesn't play a significant role. You only hear about him, but never see or hear from him. 
  • What was the 1st real prophecy Trelawny ever made. She makes the prophecy to Harry about LV returning, and DD says she has made one before that. 
  • DD believes Sirius very quickly and send HP and Hermione to save him? Showing his belief/trust in people, and second chances. Also showing once again his belief/trust in Harry at 13. 
  • Wormtail is in debt to Harry now. 
  • On that note it is now especially obvious that magic is something more than just spells and wands. There is a natural order law to magic. This was of course first introduced with Lily's sacrifice, but we see that that wasn't some unique thing that happened. That and Wormtail's new debt follow the laws/order of magic.  
  • We learn Snape hated Sirius, Lupin, Peter, and James. We also learn that James saved Snape's life, but it was Sirius that put his life in danger in the first place. 
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  Best Harry and the Potters' Song:  “The Yule Ball.”
  • Why does DD have a gleam of triumph in his eyes when Harry tells him that LV used Harry's blood to gain back his body, and now LV can physically touch him.
  • Harry learns that Snape used to be a deatheater. Why does DD trust him? 
  • DD asks Snape to return to LV as a spy. 
  • Why the freak doesn't Fudge believe DD that LV has returned? And what kind of havoc is that going to create? 
  • What is up with Harry's connection to LV in his dreams? 
  • Harry and LV's wands are connected, and do not like battling each other. 
  • You-Know-Who is going to try and get those on his side that he had once more (giants, dementors, and other wizards). 
  • There are probably ten thousand more questions that I cannot think of. This book is where a lot of important stuff starts happening.

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  Best Harry and the Potters' Song: “Human Hosepipe” or “Cornelius Fudge is an Ass” or “Stick it to Delores”
  • Petunia Dursley gets a howler from DD that yells "Remember my Last!" His "last" was the letter that explained to the Dursley's that HP must stay at the house while he is underage because he is protected there since the "blood-line" protection of his mom extends to her sister. DD did some enchantment to extend it.
  • We learn that someone heard half of the prophecy that Trelawny gave to DD, and that is what caused LV to attack Harry when he was baby. He thought he was stopping the prophecy from coming true, but he was only making it true. We also learn that the prophecy could have also met Neville, but LV picked Harry. 
  • We then learn the FULL prophecy from DD, Harry has been marked as LV's equal, and LV essentially gave HP the power he needs to beat him. Harry also knows "love" and that is what makes him so special. One of them will have to kill the other. 
    • "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.. And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survived... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies." 
  • We learn that there are not just good and evil people. There are people across the while spectrum... Dolores Umbridge. 
  • The Ministry sees  LV and has to admit he has returned. 
  • LV uses Harry to do his bidding, but realizes he cannot possess Harry like Harry can possess him. This is because of Harry's ability to "love" according to DD. 
  • Some deatheaters escape from Azkaban including Bellatrix Lestrange (one of those who tortured Neville's parents). 
  • LV wants to kill Harry on his own. 
  • LV is good at legilmency (mind reading) so is DD, and Snape is an accomplished at occlumency (closing your mind so it can't be read). 
  • Harry's dad was mean to Snape. Snape has memories he doesn't want Harry to see. 
  • DD says death is the next great adventure, and it is something LV is scared of. 
  • Harry tries the Cruciatus curse but it doesn't work on Bellatrix because you have got to mean it. 
  • This is the book of answers.

6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Best Harry and the Potters' Songs: "This Book is so Awesome" and "Save Ginny Weasley from Dean Thomas." 
  • Ollivander (the wandmaker) is gone. 
  • What we learn about Snape
    • He is one of LV's favorite 
    • Makes the unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfloy to help Draco in his task assigned by the Dark Lord
    • He is the one who overheard half of the prophecy and told LV.
    • He was remorseful, and DD said he trusted him without a doubt
    • He is the Half Blood Prince
    • He kills DD at the end. 
    • Even after all that he did there is still the question of whether to trust him or not? Because DD says he absolutely trusts him, DD and him are arguing once about Snape having to go through with something, DD hints to HP that he knows what is going on with Snape/Malfloy, and you want to trust DD. 
  • What we learn about LV... A LOT ;)
    • He never had friends nor wanted them, only followers/admirers.
    • He liked to collect items that were related to harm he inflicted on others. 
    • He was a charismatic/handsome/smart/talented student, but DD always watched him since Tom didn't know to hide his bad traits when they first met. 
    • He was obsessed with Hogwarts and happy to finally find out what made him special (being a wizard). 
    • He loved anything to do with magical history, and was very proud of his own magical history. 
    • He created horcruxes because death meant weakness, and LV wanted to show his strength. 
    • He went farther than any wizard with the horcruxes and created 7 (1 by accident, but we find that out later). 
    • He "wanted" the dada job, and because he was refused it was jinxed. 
  • What we learn about the Horcruxes
    • To create one you have to split your soul, and put it in something else. The only way to split your soul is by killing (this once again shows the natural order/laws to magic. Doing something evil splits your soul, and DD says LV underestimates the power of a complete/pure soul). 
    • There are 6 (we know of) in the 6th book. Diary, locket, ring, goblet, snake, and something from ravenclaw/gryffindor. Although we can almost count out grffyffindor since the sword is the only known relic. 
    • LV will have not made something meaningless a horcrux, and not put it somewhere meaningless. He wants it to be in something very magical and important to him. 
    • Although LV made it difficult for people to find his horcruxes. He never believed anyone would ever find them or know that he created them. LV's biggest flaw was that he felt invincible and undeniably powerful. He never thought ANYONE would be able to beat him because of the lengths he had taken for immortality.  This is why asking questions like why didn't LV make an old boot a horcrux, or why didn't he hide them anywhere outside of the UK are stupid. It wasn't LV's personality to do that. That is why we look back in his memories in the first place. 
  • Dumbledore makes mistakes (he says it himself). He is still a man of "second chances" as we see when he offers Malfloy an escape route. 
  • Dumbledore tells Harry that the only people he can trust with all this information is Ron and Hermione. 
  • We do not hear at all from the actual LV in this book, because he has locked off his brain to Harry. 
Once again there is probably a whole lot more, but these points should be sufficient to my theory for the next blog. 

Fun Harry Potter facts:
  • Aberforth (DD's bro) and his goat problem is first mentioned in the 3rd book then either him or the Hogs head barkeeper is mentioned in every other book. 
  • Darren Criss who plays Harry Potter in AVPM and AVPS is now going to be replacing Daniel Radcliffe in HTSIBWRT.
  • Qudditch is CRAZY dangerous! HP is almost killed while playing every year. 
  • It is quite odd that wizards don't take advantage of internet or cell phones.  
  • Rowling is the first person to become a billionaire from writing books. 
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sold 11 million copies in the first day.
  • Rowling said her patronus would be an Otter (Hermione's patronus). 
  • In a few weeks I am going to be sorted by a Quiz that JKR wrote, and I can't wait!