Day 19 aka "the story of why I am in London, England and not Bern, Switzerland."
The day started like any other day. I woke up, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and checked my email. I was heading to the train station to get on a train from Paris to Bern. I had some bananna chips that I was eating from the day before, so I decided to skip my hostels warm milk and cereal breakfast, and eat those instead.
At the international train station I was looking for my place to go, but those da*n French don't put anything in English even in "international" or touristy places. As I am walking around I decide to rest and put my bag down for a second. Alright well putting your bag down, even right next to you, proved to be a bad decision. So I am sure we can all see where this story is going... Someone steals my bag (everything I have), but alas there is a good Samaritan in the train station. He chases the bag thief who is now running up a nearby staircase and grabs his leg and pulls it...just like I an pulling yours ;)
What actually happened was those bannana chips that I was eating earlier were real. Before I went to the train station, I bit down on one of them and a tooth that I had just gotten fixed cracked in half. I tasted blood and a similar taste to how your mouth tastes after the dentist. My mouth killed. I still went to the train station in hope that it would feel better. It didn't. I called my mom and Dan. My mom told me that my only option was to live with it for the rest of my trip, and that she couldn't thinknof anything else. Dan also tried to figure something out but eventually I decided to just come home because I wasn't enjoying myself and didn't feel like I would enjoy the rest of the trip with an aching, very uncomfortable, bleeding hole in the back of my mouth. I chunneled to London and went and talked to American airlines. They changed my flight from June 25 to may 30 for a small charge. After that I looked for a hostel but all the ones that weren't in incredibly sketchy places were booked. Dan was looking up hotels and hostels too. Eventually I just gave up and walked up this strip that this lady at the airport told me had a lot of hotels. Well the first one was £200 a night and the next two after that were similarly priced. Also it wasn't a strip of hotels it was a hotel then 3 blocks then another hotel then 3 more blocks and so on (I am carrying my heavy backpack around) finally I see a Marriott and say to myself if this is less then £100 I will stay here and it was £75 so I stayed there for the night. I had privacy for the first time in 20 days and a hot untimed shower. It was wondeful!
That is the sad and strange story of why I am coming home. I know it is pretty lame and the moral of it is don't eat bannana chips while on vacation.
Day 20
Today I will be flying all day. I am currently on a plane to Dallas and after a 4 hour layover, I will be flying back to SLC where Dan is picking me up. I hope to see you all soon. I am sad that day 20= slc instead of day 46, but I am excited to see everyone.
PS this wasn't posted on the plane ride, only written. I do not have Internet on the plane.
I would also like to add that I was planning on purchasing souvenoirs for a select few people, but due to the abrupt changes in my plans I wasn't able to. I apologize.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Day 17
Holy cow, I can't believe I have spent 17 days in Europe. It has gone by incredibly fast. I think I have 46 days total so 29 more, woot!
I went to the louvre in Paris. I went with an American couple from Oregon. It was fun. I mention them because they were cool and they said I reminded them of Tina fey, and that makes them extra cool and blog-worthy. Yes, I saw the Mona Lisa, it was pretty small and definitely not the most exciting or interesting piece of art that I saw. Actually the painting on the wall directly opposite of it is HUGE and quite amazing. We looked at a lot of paintings and the Egyptian exhibit. I saw a literal mummy. It was crazy to think that there was a literal body from thousands of years ago wrapped up in front of me, but there was! After 5+ hours in the lourve we probably saw 10% or less of it. It is huge (look up an arial view right now, I will wait...see, it is enormous!). Afterwards we went and got drinks and then parted ways and went back to our places. That much time at a museum takes it out of you.
Day 18
I slept in til 10:15, and it felt great! I missed the hostels free breakfast aka cereal with warm milk and a roll. I think the extra sleep was worth it!
Afterwards I slowly got ready for the day and then went to Notre Dame and Saint Chapelle with the same couple from the louvre. It was fun and seeing all the stain glass is really beautiful. It is cool to see these old buildings because they spent hundreds of years building them. I like the stain glass because it tells stories from the bible and it is fun to figure out all the symbolism. The statues around notre dame are also stories. It is really interesting. Afterwards we went to dinner and then got a gelato. They were planning on the effiel tower so we parted ways. I went and got a picture with the moulin rouge because I love the movie, and then headed back to my hostel and packed all up. I leave for Berne, Switzerland in the morning.
They speak some sort of German there and also Italian, and French in some parts. I will be in the touristy spots so I should be able to get by with English. I have been able to in France even though the French people seem to hate English haha but I become an annoying american who just speaks English because I don't know a lick of french and don't have a phrase book. I didn't want to bring like 10 phrase books so I just brought myself and my lack of knowledge of other languages haha.
3 annoying things about Europe!
3-people smoke so much here! I can hardly breath. France is by far the worse with Dublin close behind.
2-everything is more expensive
1-they don't sell mt dew or good candy anywhere.
3 fantasitc things about Europe.
3- the diversity is amazing. I love how there are literally people from all over and so many different languages.
2-they kick butt at public transportation
1- the lack of fast food restaurants. It is nice to eat in just nice little cafes or restaurants and not greasy gross food. I know all American food isn't gross but we lack in the healthy quick food unlike Europe. Also orange fanta and cadbary chocolate bars are everywhere you go and they have become my substitute soda and candy for mt dew and wonks candy.
Holy cow, I can't believe I have spent 17 days in Europe. It has gone by incredibly fast. I think I have 46 days total so 29 more, woot!
I went to the louvre in Paris. I went with an American couple from Oregon. It was fun. I mention them because they were cool and they said I reminded them of Tina fey, and that makes them extra cool and blog-worthy. Yes, I saw the Mona Lisa, it was pretty small and definitely not the most exciting or interesting piece of art that I saw. Actually the painting on the wall directly opposite of it is HUGE and quite amazing. We looked at a lot of paintings and the Egyptian exhibit. I saw a literal mummy. It was crazy to think that there was a literal body from thousands of years ago wrapped up in front of me, but there was! After 5+ hours in the lourve we probably saw 10% or less of it. It is huge (look up an arial view right now, I will wait...see, it is enormous!). Afterwards we went and got drinks and then parted ways and went back to our places. That much time at a museum takes it out of you.
Day 18
I slept in til 10:15, and it felt great! I missed the hostels free breakfast aka cereal with warm milk and a roll. I think the extra sleep was worth it!
Afterwards I slowly got ready for the day and then went to Notre Dame and Saint Chapelle with the same couple from the louvre. It was fun and seeing all the stain glass is really beautiful. It is cool to see these old buildings because they spent hundreds of years building them. I like the stain glass because it tells stories from the bible and it is fun to figure out all the symbolism. The statues around notre dame are also stories. It is really interesting. Afterwards we went to dinner and then got a gelato. They were planning on the effiel tower so we parted ways. I went and got a picture with the moulin rouge because I love the movie, and then headed back to my hostel and packed all up. I leave for Berne, Switzerland in the morning.
They speak some sort of German there and also Italian, and French in some parts. I will be in the touristy spots so I should be able to get by with English. I have been able to in France even though the French people seem to hate English haha but I become an annoying american who just speaks English because I don't know a lick of french and don't have a phrase book. I didn't want to bring like 10 phrase books so I just brought myself and my lack of knowledge of other languages haha.
3 annoying things about Europe!
3-people smoke so much here! I can hardly breath. France is by far the worse with Dublin close behind.
2-everything is more expensive
1-they don't sell mt dew or good candy anywhere.
3 fantasitc things about Europe.
3- the diversity is amazing. I love how there are literally people from all over and so many different languages.
2-they kick butt at public transportation
1- the lack of fast food restaurants. It is nice to eat in just nice little cafes or restaurants and not greasy gross food. I know all American food isn't gross but we lack in the healthy quick food unlike Europe. Also orange fanta and cadbary chocolate bars are everywhere you go and they have become my substitute soda and candy for mt dew and wonks candy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 14
It is so warm in Ireland. I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Everyone is shocked by the weather because it is usually rainy and cold. I think it is funny that Utah is experiencing rain and snow while Ireland is unbelievably sunny!
Anywho this day I went to malahide castle and walked around malahide. The castle was cool. Smaller than others because it just belonged to an Irish clan, and wasn't for royalty.
After that I went and visited trinity college. I saw the book of kells and the library at trinity where they shot some Harry Potter footage.
Day 15
My last read day in Ireland. I went to the national library in hopes of doing some geneology because the people who worked there were supposably amazing. Welp turns out they couldn't really help me get any farther than I already was but oh well. After that I went to the archaeological museum and saw some old dead bodies, bones and all. I saw some other cool things too.
I then went to a local farmers market. It was pretty small and didn't hbe anything that great but was still fun to visit.
After all that I got all my stuff packed up, ate, and tried to get to bed early because I had to wake up at 4 am to get to the airport.
Day 16
After an early flight I arrived in the city of love, Paris!
With the help of some other American backpackers, I found the metro line and my hostel. I dropped off my bags and headed for a tour of Paris. I find it is a good way to meet people and get to know the city to start out witha walking tour. After 3 and a half hours of touring Paris which included sights such as notre dame, the louve, the Eiffel tower, and much much more. I made my way to the Eiffel tower to go up and see Paris from up high. It was beautiful, but Paris isn't really a city with skyscrappers so the lower view and highest view were actually quite similar. One was just higher up.
Paris is a lovely city, but not knowing the language is proving harder than you would think especially when I am trying to get food. Oh well! I will only have to deal with the French for a few more days....
It is so warm in Ireland. I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Everyone is shocked by the weather because it is usually rainy and cold. I think it is funny that Utah is experiencing rain and snow while Ireland is unbelievably sunny!
Anywho this day I went to malahide castle and walked around malahide. The castle was cool. Smaller than others because it just belonged to an Irish clan, and wasn't for royalty.
After that I went and visited trinity college. I saw the book of kells and the library at trinity where they shot some Harry Potter footage.
Day 15
My last read day in Ireland. I went to the national library in hopes of doing some geneology because the people who worked there were supposably amazing. Welp turns out they couldn't really help me get any farther than I already was but oh well. After that I went to the archaeological museum and saw some old dead bodies, bones and all. I saw some other cool things too.
I then went to a local farmers market. It was pretty small and didn't hbe anything that great but was still fun to visit.
After all that I got all my stuff packed up, ate, and tried to get to bed early because I had to wake up at 4 am to get to the airport.
Day 16
After an early flight I arrived in the city of love, Paris!
With the help of some other American backpackers, I found the metro line and my hostel. I dropped off my bags and headed for a tour of Paris. I find it is a good way to meet people and get to know the city to start out witha walking tour. After 3 and a half hours of touring Paris which included sights such as notre dame, the louve, the Eiffel tower, and much much more. I made my way to the Eiffel tower to go up and see Paris from up high. It was beautiful, but Paris isn't really a city with skyscrappers so the lower view and highest view were actually quite similar. One was just higher up.
Paris is a lovely city, but not knowing the language is proving harder than you would think especially when I am trying to get food. Oh well! I will only have to deal with the French for a few more days....
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Day 11
I went on a bus tour through the irish countryside. It was beautiul! Seriously arguably the most beautiful place in the world. On that tour we also went to a small town kilkenny and I visited the castle and saw other cool sights. Afterwards I went to a true irish pub with a bunch of german girls who were staying in my hostel. I am going to be very stereotypical but I was worried when they invited me because a bunch of Germans in an Irish pub would normally equal a rowdy night haha. None of them drank though. It was fun to just sit, relax, talk, and take in the atmosphere. Don't worry i ordered a coke! I also got id'ed Whig bugged me because I am 21 and you only have to be 18. I think it was because those girls were all 18 and 19.
Day 12
Tour de Dublin. I went on a walking tour through Dublin. It was cool to learn about Irish history and the different buildings in Dublin. I have a new found hatred for the British. They treated the Irish like absolute scum. F the red coats ;). After the tour I went out to eat with a few people that were on the tour. It was fun I ate Irish bacon. It was really good ham but their cheesy potatoes were not as good as my moms. After that I came back to my hostel and watched some huge soccer game. I still don't really understand what it was for. All I know is that Barcelona won.
Day 13
All the museums and things I wanted
to check out are closed today so I just walked around the shopping area and thought about buying somethings for my nephews but first I want to find out what the newest member of the clan will be before I make any purchases.
I love my Irish roots and have enjoyed my time in Ireland. I will be here for two more days and then very early Wednesday morning I fly to Paris. I am a little nervous to start my true foreign leg of the journey aka where English is not the native language buy excited for the sights i will see an the people I will meet.
I went on a bus tour through the irish countryside. It was beautiul! Seriously arguably the most beautiful place in the world. On that tour we also went to a small town kilkenny and I visited the castle and saw other cool sights. Afterwards I went to a true irish pub with a bunch of german girls who were staying in my hostel. I am going to be very stereotypical but I was worried when they invited me because a bunch of Germans in an Irish pub would normally equal a rowdy night haha. None of them drank though. It was fun to just sit, relax, talk, and take in the atmosphere. Don't worry i ordered a coke! I also got id'ed Whig bugged me because I am 21 and you only have to be 18. I think it was because those girls were all 18 and 19.
Day 12
Tour de Dublin. I went on a walking tour through Dublin. It was cool to learn about Irish history and the different buildings in Dublin. I have a new found hatred for the British. They treated the Irish like absolute scum. F the red coats ;). After the tour I went out to eat with a few people that were on the tour. It was fun I ate Irish bacon. It was really good ham but their cheesy potatoes were not as good as my moms. After that I came back to my hostel and watched some huge soccer game. I still don't really understand what it was for. All I know is that Barcelona won.
Day 13
All the museums and things I wanted
to check out are closed today so I just walked around the shopping area and thought about buying somethings for my nephews but first I want to find out what the newest member of the clan will be before I make any purchases.
I love my Irish roots and have enjoyed my time in Ireland. I will be here for two more days and then very early Wednesday morning I fly to Paris. I am a little nervous to start my true foreign leg of the journey aka where English is not the native language buy excited for the sights i will see an the people I will meet.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The stone of destiny
Day 8
Glasgow, Scotland! After a three and a half hour train ride from Liverpool, I arrived in Glasgow! I checked into my hostel, set up camp, and went out in the city. Glasgow is a bit more modern and I was in the middle of the city so I went around to all the shops and checked out what they had. Sadly I didn't buy anything because I am poor and there is no room in my backpack.
Day 9
Edinburgh, Scotland! I took a forty minute train ride over to Edinburgh and went on a pretty legit free walking tour. I learned about William Wallace and the stone of destiny. We visited Edinburgh castle and THE cafe where Harry potter was born. We also saw many other Harry potter related things and learned about the midevil history of Edinburgh. It was very interesting. Afterwards I ate haggis a traditional Scottish dish and it was alright. Everyone around ke was loving it but I am not a big meat lover anyways. I then wonders the city some more. It really was a very interesting place and definitely my favorite city so far aka everyone should visit edinburgh. It is beautiful and the achitecture really makes you feel like you went back in time.
Day 10
Today, I woke up at 4:00 because I had a flight to Dublin to catch. When I got to my hostel in Dublin it was 8:00 am and I was beat. We couldn't check in until 1 so I fell asleep on a couch in the front lobby for a few hours. After I woke up from my nap I walked around the city and market of Dublin. It seems like a really cool city. Today I felt really greasy and tired so it has been my lazy day. Tomorrow at 8, I am going on a bus tour that the hostel provided to the place where braveheart and ps I love you were filmed. It is the country of Ireland and is suppose to be absolutley breathtaking. I am pretty excited. The tour goes till 5:30 so I will probably be worn out when I get back and shower eat then relax and prepare for the next day.
In Dublin I am thinking of my mother and by special request, kara brown
Glasgow, Scotland! After a three and a half hour train ride from Liverpool, I arrived in Glasgow! I checked into my hostel, set up camp, and went out in the city. Glasgow is a bit more modern and I was in the middle of the city so I went around to all the shops and checked out what they had. Sadly I didn't buy anything because I am poor and there is no room in my backpack.
Day 9
Edinburgh, Scotland! I took a forty minute train ride over to Edinburgh and went on a pretty legit free walking tour. I learned about William Wallace and the stone of destiny. We visited Edinburgh castle and THE cafe where Harry potter was born. We also saw many other Harry potter related things and learned about the midevil history of Edinburgh. It was very interesting. Afterwards I ate haggis a traditional Scottish dish and it was alright. Everyone around ke was loving it but I am not a big meat lover anyways. I then wonders the city some more. It really was a very interesting place and definitely my favorite city so far aka everyone should visit edinburgh. It is beautiful and the achitecture really makes you feel like you went back in time.
Day 10
Today, I woke up at 4:00 because I had a flight to Dublin to catch. When I got to my hostel in Dublin it was 8:00 am and I was beat. We couldn't check in until 1 so I fell asleep on a couch in the front lobby for a few hours. After I woke up from my nap I walked around the city and market of Dublin. It seems like a really cool city. Today I felt really greasy and tired so it has been my lazy day. Tomorrow at 8, I am going on a bus tour that the hostel provided to the place where braveheart and ps I love you were filmed. It is the country of Ireland and is suppose to be absolutley breathtaking. I am pretty excited. The tour goes till 5:30 so I will probably be worn out when I get back and shower eat then relax and prepare for the next day.
In Dublin I am thinking of my mother and by special request, kara brown
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Trains planes and automobiles
Day 5
One of my favorite days so far! I woke up later than I wanted to due to the annoying Brazillians that I was sharing my hostel room with
Side story-
I think it is a culture thing, but they talk incredibly loud. They sat and talked until like 2 in the morning. I swear they only have one volume of speech and that is yelling. The next morning they wake up at 7 am and talk loudly until they leave at 8. I fell asleep right after they left and got 4 hours of good sleep! The next night I was onery so at about midnight when they were talking loud and stomping around the hostel. I not so politely asked them to use their inside voice. I got a much better nights sleep!
Okay now back to my favorite day so far. I took the train up to Windsor Castle. This is the largest inhabited castle in the world (I think). The queen and royal family spend some nights here, and her majesty was there. I know this because a certain flag is flying over her private estate when she is there. It was cool because you actually get to go in the castle and walk around some parts. It is huge! I hot a picture next to a guard who was rolling his eyes the whole time because a bunch of tourists just kept taking pictures with him. I bet that is every guards least favorite place to stand because it is one of the few places where you can actually stand right next to the guard.
I am glad that Anne told me to see Windsor because it wad rad.
I took a train to oxford after that and walked around and saw their campus. When I got back to London. I went back to my hostel and sat in the bar. I always sit in the bar because that is where the wifi is. I feel bad because I never order anything but oh well, I need the Internet.
Day 6
I loved this day too! I was planning on going to church but the tube to Hyde park corner was shut down so I didn't know how to get there. Instead I took a trip to Salisbury. This is where Stonehenge is. It was a cool site to see. When I got back to London I went to London bridge, and then back to my hostel because they were showing the NBA game. I have no idea what is going on in the real sports world and it is a little frustruting. I have watched cricket and soccer (i refuse to call it football). Soccer is fun to watch, but cricket is quite possibly the dumbest sport ever. It is basically just a game for people who suck at baseball. I know that it was invented before baseball, but it really doesn't look like it takes as much talent. I guess I am just an ignorant american.
Day 7
Today I went to Manchester for a couple hours. Now I am in Liverpool for the night. In honor of my trip to Liverpool I will only be listening to the beatles or beatles remixes until I leave tomorrow.
In Manchester I picked up a man- u jersey because if I am a soccer supporter. I should support the best soccer team so yes I am now on that bandwagon.
In Liverpool I got lost for the first time. I missed my bus stop and didn't realize until I was a long ways away from my hostel. I got off the bus and got a taxi to my hostel. The taxi driver was way nice and explained to me how to get back and forth from the city centre to my hostel so that I wouldn't get lost again. He also told me about the rivarly between the everton and Liverpool soccer clubs. I told you I was becoming a soccer supporter haha.
After wasting time being lost I got to my hostel unloaded and headed to Albert dock and saw the beatles story museum. I walked around Liverpool university and then headed back to my hostel on the bus. I did not miss my stop this time.
Tomorrow I leave fr Scotland! Can't wait to write about Glasgow and Edinburg.
5 things I miss most*
5- American sports
4- a big comfy bed
3- a clean bathroom
2- family
1- Danny
*if you don't see yourself on this list you are #6. Still in my top ten but just not in the top 5 yet. I really do love and miss you all!
This was written yesterday, but the Internet went out before I could post. Now I am in Glasgow.
One of my favorite days so far! I woke up later than I wanted to due to the annoying Brazillians that I was sharing my hostel room with
Side story-
I think it is a culture thing, but they talk incredibly loud. They sat and talked until like 2 in the morning. I swear they only have one volume of speech and that is yelling. The next morning they wake up at 7 am and talk loudly until they leave at 8. I fell asleep right after they left and got 4 hours of good sleep! The next night I was onery so at about midnight when they were talking loud and stomping around the hostel. I not so politely asked them to use their inside voice. I got a much better nights sleep!
Okay now back to my favorite day so far. I took the train up to Windsor Castle. This is the largest inhabited castle in the world (I think). The queen and royal family spend some nights here, and her majesty was there. I know this because a certain flag is flying over her private estate when she is there. It was cool because you actually get to go in the castle and walk around some parts. It is huge! I hot a picture next to a guard who was rolling his eyes the whole time because a bunch of tourists just kept taking pictures with him. I bet that is every guards least favorite place to stand because it is one of the few places where you can actually stand right next to the guard.
I am glad that Anne told me to see Windsor because it wad rad.
I took a train to oxford after that and walked around and saw their campus. When I got back to London. I went back to my hostel and sat in the bar. I always sit in the bar because that is where the wifi is. I feel bad because I never order anything but oh well, I need the Internet.
Day 6
I loved this day too! I was planning on going to church but the tube to Hyde park corner was shut down so I didn't know how to get there. Instead I took a trip to Salisbury. This is where Stonehenge is. It was a cool site to see. When I got back to London I went to London bridge, and then back to my hostel because they were showing the NBA game. I have no idea what is going on in the real sports world and it is a little frustruting. I have watched cricket and soccer (i refuse to call it football). Soccer is fun to watch, but cricket is quite possibly the dumbest sport ever. It is basically just a game for people who suck at baseball. I know that it was invented before baseball, but it really doesn't look like it takes as much talent. I guess I am just an ignorant american.
Day 7
Today I went to Manchester for a couple hours. Now I am in Liverpool for the night. In honor of my trip to Liverpool I will only be listening to the beatles or beatles remixes until I leave tomorrow.
In Manchester I picked up a man- u jersey because if I am a soccer supporter. I should support the best soccer team so yes I am now on that bandwagon.
In Liverpool I got lost for the first time. I missed my bus stop and didn't realize until I was a long ways away from my hostel. I got off the bus and got a taxi to my hostel. The taxi driver was way nice and explained to me how to get back and forth from the city centre to my hostel so that I wouldn't get lost again. He also told me about the rivarly between the everton and Liverpool soccer clubs. I told you I was becoming a soccer supporter haha.
After wasting time being lost I got to my hostel unloaded and headed to Albert dock and saw the beatles story museum. I walked around Liverpool university and then headed back to my hostel on the bus. I did not miss my stop this time.
Tomorrow I leave fr Scotland! Can't wait to write about Glasgow and Edinburg.
5 things I miss most*
5- American sports
4- a big comfy bed
3- a clean bathroom
2- family
1- Danny
*if you don't see yourself on this list you are #6. Still in my top ten but just not in the top 5 yet. I really do love and miss you all!
This was written yesterday, but the Internet went out before I could post. Now I am in Glasgow.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Day 2: I can't remember if I talked about this in my last blog.
My lazy slash body trying to adjust to the timezone day. I fell asleep around 10, woke up at 3ish, fell back asleep at about 6:30 and woke up at 10.
I then walked around the city and ate lunch. Afterwards I came back to my hostel around 2:30 and fell asleep till 8:30. I am still not on the right schedule 3 days later.
I took the train to Brighton and saw the royal pavillion and brighton pier. Afterwards I came back to London and went to buckingham palace, the queen's art gallary, the royal mews, Hyde park, and a few more places. I walked so much that when I got back to my hostel around 9, I passed out in my bed completely dressed with shoes and all. I woke up around 4 and similar sleeping struggles.
Day 4:
I took the train to Leicester and visited Anne. It was fun to see the cute little college town where she had been living. We also went to the city center. Where Anne spent the rest of her money since it was her last day.
Right now it is 2 am and I am listening to paper plans play in the bar below hopefully it closes soon so I can get to sleep. I will post this blog in the morning. Only 2 days left in london, monday morning I take the train to Liverpool (home of the fab four)!
Love and miss you!
My lazy slash body trying to adjust to the timezone day. I fell asleep around 10, woke up at 3ish, fell back asleep at about 6:30 and woke up at 10.
I then walked around the city and ate lunch. Afterwards I came back to my hostel around 2:30 and fell asleep till 8:30. I am still not on the right schedule 3 days later.
I took the train to Brighton and saw the royal pavillion and brighton pier. Afterwards I came back to London and went to buckingham palace, the queen's art gallary, the royal mews, Hyde park, and a few more places. I walked so much that when I got back to my hostel around 9, I passed out in my bed completely dressed with shoes and all. I woke up around 4 and similar sleeping struggles.
Day 4:
I took the train to Leicester and visited Anne. It was fun to see the cute little college town where she had been living. We also went to the city center. Where Anne spent the rest of her money since it was her last day.
Right now it is 2 am and I am listening to paper plans play in the bar below hopefully it closes soon so I can get to sleep. I will post this blog in the morning. Only 2 days left in london, monday morning I take the train to Liverpool (home of the fab four)!
Love and miss you!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Day two in London
Hey! Yesterday I wandered around Leicester square and saw Big Ben, the London eye, and an art museum. I also saw parliment because the prime minister is resigning there are a lot of news people around there and this one sidewalk was way crowded because there was some press conference inside these gates. I stood around for a while and took pictures but nothing reslly interesting happened. There was also some anti-war protest in a park by big Ben. There were about 25 tents pitched and all these signs around them. What is weird though is that i didn't really see any people
After I went and saw avenue q because leichester square is like the broadway of Europe. I think it is the second largest theater district in the world. Wicked is playing out here but I didn't think it would be the same with an English accent. I guess avenue q is supposed to be set in NY so that was a weird choice but they were faking ny accents slash American accents so it was fun.
I don't know if it is just me but London air has a distinct smell and taste. Maybe it is because of the volcano. Who knows!
Also I have been mistaken for a local three times. Twice by actual locals. It makes me happy because I swear you can recognize an American from a mile away. It is weird to hear my voice. I sound so American so I try to be quiet so I dont stand out.
My hostel is alright. It isn't the nicest one that I am staying in but it is secure and has a great location. The tube is right across the street.
Today the eastbound tube lines ares hut down because I think someone got on the tracks. I don't know what I am going to do now but I will probably just wander around hammersmith or sleep because I am beat.
Also the showers in this hostel are crazy but that is a story for another day.
Update on challenge!
5 good things about my day in the airport/ on an airplane.
5- I got to be in Chicago! I live that city. I didn't get to visit it but seeing blackhawks, cubs, and bulls merchandise made me remember the wonderful city of Chicago. I also loved not seeing white sox merchandise
4- when we arrived in Chicago my flight attendant made fun on all the cubs fans by saying, " welcome to Chicago home of the 1908 world series champions the Chicago cubs!" it was pretty funny
3- helping the married couple with the newborn on the plane. I had an aisle seat but ended up sitting in the very middle of the plane aka 2 people on both sides of me then the aisle then two more people.
2- having babies on the right and behind me but both didn't make a sound through the night.
1- because of the long layover I was able to talk to my mom and Dan before I really left.
Alright love you all!
After I went and saw avenue q because leichester square is like the broadway of Europe. I think it is the second largest theater district in the world. Wicked is playing out here but I didn't think it would be the same with an English accent. I guess avenue q is supposed to be set in NY so that was a weird choice but they were faking ny accents slash American accents so it was fun.
I don't know if it is just me but London air has a distinct smell and taste. Maybe it is because of the volcano. Who knows!
Also I have been mistaken for a local three times. Twice by actual locals. It makes me happy because I swear you can recognize an American from a mile away. It is weird to hear my voice. I sound so American so I try to be quiet so I dont stand out.
My hostel is alright. It isn't the nicest one that I am staying in but it is secure and has a great location. The tube is right across the street.
Today the eastbound tube lines ares hut down because I think someone got on the tracks. I don't know what I am going to do now but I will probably just wander around hammersmith or sleep because I am beat.
Also the showers in this hostel are crazy but that is a story for another day.
Update on challenge!
5 good things about my day in the airport/ on an airplane.
5- I got to be in Chicago! I live that city. I didn't get to visit it but seeing blackhawks, cubs, and bulls merchandise made me remember the wonderful city of Chicago. I also loved not seeing white sox merchandise
4- when we arrived in Chicago my flight attendant made fun on all the cubs fans by saying, " welcome to Chicago home of the 1908 world series champions the Chicago cubs!" it was pretty funny
3- helping the married couple with the newborn on the plane. I had an aisle seat but ended up sitting in the very middle of the plane aka 2 people on both sides of me then the aisle then two more people.
2- having babies on the right and behind me but both didn't make a sound through the night.
1- because of the long layover I was able to talk to my mom and Dan before I really left.
Alright love you all!
Monday, May 10, 2010
A day in the airport
This is the firsts post about my European adventure! I am sitting in SLC airport, my plane to Chicago leaves at 11:15. In Chicago I have a five hour layover (gross!). I will arrive in London around 2 am our time. I was given a challenge to find something enjoyable about spending a day in the airport. It is going to be tough but I am sure that I can figure something out. I will keep this blog updated with pictures and stories. I hope you enjoy reading it and remember to stay in touch for me.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
10 things I want to say...
10 things that need to be said because they are important.
1- Owl City is a HORRIBLE excuse for music, and I am sick of hearing them or hearing about them everywhere I go. I am sorry if this offends you, but seriously they are just a poppy-cliche-postal-service-wannabe.
2- Arizona sucks! I will not put any money into their economy. AKA I will not travel to, or purchase products produced in Arizona. Yes, this means no dial, PetSmart, U-Haul, and many other companies found here! Their new law isn't a reform to immigration, and does not solve any of the current problems with immigration. What it does is target Hispanics whether they are legal citizens or not. It truly has hurt me as a hispanic woman that this legislation was passed, and that other states including my own have even considered a similar law.
3- Finishing your undergraduate is weird. I do not know what I am suppose to do now. Grad School? Maybe, eventually. Job? That doesn't sound too exciting.
4- EUROPE! In less than one week! That is the answer to the above question, but in 8 weeks that is over, and the above question still exists.
5- Being a Progressive Liberal does not make you a Socialist (in the sense of the word that Faux news is using) nor does it make you a communist, or a American/Constitution Hating Elitist. IT doesn't make you any less religious/spiritual either. It makes you a liberal, and a liberal believes in change and progress.
6- Here is a quote from MLK for you to ponder. It is one of my favorites and is from his letter to Birmingham, "Let us consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal."
7- I am sick of hearing the "natural fluctuation" argument. This argument is usually used for the market, and for climate change. Hear is a story, my weight naturally fluctuates a good 5-7 pounds. If I ever lost or gained 60 pounds, no reasonable person would blame it on my bodies natural fluctuations. We would blame it on my diet, and hopefully I would get help.
8- "Let me tell you. The proofs that God does not exist are very strong, but in lots of people they are not as strong as the feeling tha
t He does." This is from the best book ever written, East of Eden. John Steinbeck is a genius.
9- People really need to STOP watching Glenn
Beck. He lies.... a lot! He is in it for the money, and the ratings. Not because America is in danger. He says outrageous things because it increases his ratings, but it is also making a bunch of crazy people so it needs to stop! You can be a republican/conservative and not crazy, but you can't be a Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin lover and not be crazy.

Glenn-Palin Monster
10- Finally, I love my life, and the people in it, and that includes you!
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