10 things that need to be said because they are important.
1- Owl City is a HORRIBLE excuse for music, and I am sick of hearing them or hearing about them everywhere I go. I am sorry if this offends you, but seriously they are just a poppy-cliche-postal-service-wannabe.
2- Arizona sucks! I will not put any money into their economy. AKA I will not travel to, or purchase products produced in Arizona. Yes, this means no dial, PetSmart, U-Haul, and many other companies found here! Their new law isn't a reform to immigration, and does not solve any of the current problems with immigration. What it does is target Hispanics whether they are legal citizens or not. It truly has hurt me as a hispanic woman that this legislation was passed, and that other states including my own have even considered a similar law.
3- Finishing your undergraduate is weird. I do not know what I am suppose to do now. Grad School? Maybe, eventually. Job? That doesn't sound too exciting.
4- EUROPE! In less than one week! That is the answer to the above question, but in 8 weeks that is over, and the above question still exists.
5- Being a Progressive Liberal does not make you a Socialist (in the sense of the word that Faux news is using) nor does it make you a communist, or a American/Constitution Hating Elitist. IT doesn't make you any less religious/spiritual either. It makes you a liberal, and a liberal believes in change and progress.
6- Here is a quote from MLK for you to ponder. It is one of my favorites and is from his letter to Birmingham, "Let us consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal."
7- I am sick of hearing the "natural fluctuation" argument. This argument is usually used for the market, and for climate change. Hear is a story, my weight naturally fluctuates a good 5-7 pounds. If I ever lost or gained 60 pounds, no reasonable person would blame it on my bodies natural fluctuations. We would blame it on my diet, and hopefully I would get help.
8- "Let me tell you. The proofs that God does not exist are very strong, but in lots of people they are not as strong as the feeling tha
t He does." This is from the best book ever written, East of Eden. John Steinbeck is a genius.
9- People really need to STOP watching Glenn
Beck. He lies.... a lot! He is in it for the money, and the ratings. Not because America is in danger. He says outrageous things because it increases his ratings, but it is also making a bunch of crazy people so it needs to stop! You can be a republican/conservative and not crazy, but you can't be a Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin lover and not be crazy.

Glenn-Palin Monster
10- Finally, I love my life, and the people in it, and that includes you!
Hahahah. I love who you are Alexis.
love you Lex! Also, I just got East of Eden from the library yesterday. Finally, after all this time of you and Isaac telling me to read it. haha
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