Sunday, November 28, 2010

Segundo Dia

Day #2 - A good memory

I have had plenty of good memories, but I feel I need to pick one that shows my character well.

I could talk about the propsal, multiple concerts, graduation, multiple Aggie basketball moments, church stuff, weird high school stuff, but instead I will talk about one of the greatest moments in my life, something I truly wish I could live through again.

On July 21,2007 at midnight I recieved a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I wish I could describe the complete euphoria. Dressed in wizarding robes with the word "sneak" dotted across my face in red marker, I drove home with the book. Before I received the book I walked around "diagon alley" at Wise Bird's with a few of my other wizarding friends. We saw Hagrid, Nearly- Headless Nick, Rita Skeeter, and some very oddly dressed muggles. When I finally arrived home that night I locked my door, turned off my phone, opened a can of DP(I had a 12 pack), and started reading. I read 250 pages before I fell asleep for 2 hours. I woke up and finished the book at 2 pm that day. I cried


dhilk3785 said...

I am marrying the biggest Harry Potter nerd in the world, and I love her! That is a great great memory!

Niki said...

I love this! What a wonderful day it was when HP7 came out! Sorry I totally block-stalked you for the last ten minutes! HA! But I juts love you to death! Your engagement is still the best news I've heard!
