Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Rants; pt 1, "WORDS"

Here is the first of the weekly (don't hold me to it, but I will try) installments of "Random Rants." These blogs will be dedicated to thing that just bug me. Some will be a bit more serious than others, but they all will be things that I wish I could rid the world of

There are some words in the english language that when a person says it makes me questions their intelligence, character, and respect/love for people in general. When you say these words I cringe inside, and sometimes like you a little bit less. They are not curse words. I don't swear often nor care to, but it doesn't upset me, mostly because these other words exist, and people who get all up in arms about swearing use these words that are much worse. 

I am going to type (this is going to be hard) out some of these words, and explain my distaste for them.  You will see a pattern...

1- Retard. This is something Sarah Palin and I have in common, except I hate it when it comes from anyones mouth not just democrats. "Mental retardation" as in intellectual disabilities is not a bad thing to say, and doesn't annoy me. It is when you use the word retard to mean dumb, bad, or whatever else. That hurts families and people who love or are mentally retarded. It increases the discrimination that already exists for people with different disabilities. STOP SAYING  IT! 

2- Fag, gay, homo, dike, or any other homosexual slur. Faggot means different things in different cultures some still use it to say a "bundle of sticks" others use it to mean "Cigarettes." It has come to mean a homosexual man, why? Because when they were burning witches if the sticks (faggots) ran out they would throw in the gay men to keep the fire going. Don't use it, it has a horrible history, and when you say it you are most likely using it in a negative connotation even if you are saying it to your straight friend. The same goes for the other words. Using them in a negative connotation is offensive to homosexual people, and their families, and the people who love them. STOP IT!

3- Racial slurs such as the "N" word, or saying something like dirty Mexicans. Racial slurs bug me so much especially when they have to do with Mexicans, because I am Mexican! I know you think you are being funny, but you aren't. It is offensive. When I speak up, and you say, "I am not talking about Mexicans like you." I am even more hurt by your words. I am Mexican, there isn't more than one type of us. We have the same ancestry. I don't like hearing negative thinks about my heritage even if you don't recognize it as being my heritage. Other racial slurs are the same. The "N" word is not something to intellectualize (John Mayer), nor is it something that you can say just because you hear it in movies, music, etc... It is an offensive term. 

4- Sexist slurs like bitch, cunt, slut, whore, or what not. This is offensive especially when used when talking about a woman. It belittles females.

This goes for all words that make light on people. Making fun of cultures, sexuality, disabilities, or what not is not smart, and is offensive. You might not be using these words to describe these people, but you are. It just shows your prejudices better, and makes others question your intelligence. 

That is my rant for today, and now you know why when you say these words I roll my eyes. 

Now, something positive because these blogs get frustrated, and annoyed, so I need a pick me up at the end....

Dan and I got our engagements taken, and it was a blast.


Whit said...

So I may have skipped straight to the pic! But I LOVE it! Please post more somewhere!

dhilk3785 said...

Great great blog!