Thursday, December 2, 2010

ME x 6

Day #6 is post a picture that captures your true self

I think two pictures I have posted capture my true self really well, but I will choose another. The two are the HP pic, and the Spectrum pic.

Here is another....

I am the one with the hole in her shoes, and if you didn't know that then you don't know me. Why does this picture capture my personality? Well I don't really enjoy getting all dressed up, or purchasing lots of nice clothes. I would rather just be comfortable in my holey shoes. I am fairly laid back. You will notice that my toe nails are painted although that is unlike me, I like that they are. Because it shows that although I don't appear as girly as the other 6 girls, I still am. I think this picture really does capture, "Alexis Lopez."

Others considered....


dhilk3785 said...

That is the perfect picture to capture you! Love it!

Whit said...

haha oh how I LOVE the shoe pic!