Saturday, November 10, 2007


I can honestly say that I want to change the world.
I can't honestly say that I am going to.
I can honestly say that I love my family with all myself forever.
I can't honestly say that I will be with them forever.
I can honestly say that I have made a lot of horrible choices.
I can't honestly say that I am done making them.
I can honestly say that my friends have had a huge influence on my life.
I can't honestly say that I will always be the right influence for them.
I can honestly say that I want to succeed.
I can't honestly say that I will not fail.
I can honestly say that I am full of questions.
I can't honestly say that I have any answers.
I can honestly say that there is truth.
I can't honestly say that I completely know it.


Lindsay said...

Lex I love you!

Lindsay said...

Lex I love that we secretly have blogs. haha and we read each others. Do any of the other girls know about this? How is Logan treating you? More how is Tristan?

Dirty South said...

secretly others know