Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I won't be silient

Before, I get into my feelings on President Packer's talk this past general conference; I would first like to apologize to my family and friends that were hurt by this. I am sorry that this hurt you, but mostly I am sorry that I have stayed silent for this long. I love you all. 

In my past three years as a member of the church, General Conference has definitely become one of my favorite parts.  It is always interesting, and I truly do feel enlightened and full of joy at the end of Conference weekend. The same could not be said for this General Conference session. This is wholly due to President Packer's talk. At the end of it, I felt distant from the church. I felt that I was going to have to choose between the church, and my personal beliefs that I have taken a lot of time, and effort to develop. I felt like I was going to have to give up a part of myself, or give up the church. I have spent these last few days in tears, and complete confusion. 

I, like many other pro-gay rights mormons, felt that the church was taking steps toward bridging the gap, that so sadly was amplified during the prop 8 campaign, between members, and the LGBT community. I felt that Elder Jensen of the seventies words in that meeting, and that the acceptance of a biological, or some sort of instinctive nature towards same-sex attraction were both signs of a step in the right direction. I never expected the church to change it's stance on eternal marriage, but I definitely didn't expect an apostle of the church to get up and proclaim that being homosexual is a choice, and that fighting for marriage equality is wrong.  It is well known that gay teens are far more likely to commit suicide, and more likely to end up homeless. Why? Because they are ostracized. They are told they can change, and when they work hard, but the feelings never go over, they give up.  If there are people out there that need to feel Heavenly Father's love, it is them. I would have much preferred a talk that told parents to love their kids through thick and thin. To not throw their children out on the street when they come out, when they drink, when they tell you that they are pregnant (out of wedlock).  That is what people need to remember, that you agreed to love your children no matter what, and as a member of the church you agreed to love everybody no matter what. Or if he added in his talk that sometimes the feelings cannot be overcome. Instead, I felt that this was a  talk that would increase bigotry, and make the already horrible relationship between the LGBT community and the Church even worse. The talk may have not intended this, but as we can see by the outbreak of attention given to this talk, it did just that. 

I fight for marriage equality because I believe it is protected in our constitution. I do not believe that religious values or morals should deny anyone the freedom they so rightly deserve. With marriage comes benefits, benefits that heterosexual couples take for-granted. I cannot deny these rights to people I love. I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. when he said, "Let us consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal."  Denying a minority group the right to marry is unjust. Finally, I fight for it because they did NOT choose this life. No one would choose a life of ridicule, a life where they are not treated the same, a life where millions of people tell them everyday that they are going to hell. No one would want that. There is plenty of scientific proof that homosexuality is genetic. I am not going to ask someone to live a life without love, because of my religious views. That is selfish. 

I have a testimony of the church, that should not be doubted. My testimony, Harry Reid's testimony, and the testimony of countless other members who support marriage equality, should not be questioned.  I cannot stand here silent, pretending that nothing happened. If anything, I will now be more vocal, and open about my feelings for the rights of ALL people. 

I love you all, and so does God. We are His children, and not one of us is any better than the other. 


Unknown said...

I love you Alexis :)

The Christensen's said...

Lex one thing I admire is your willingness to always stand up for the things you believe in. I didn't listen to all of Elder Packers talk but have heard that it is causing much controversy. I fully agree with you on this stance of equality. I KNOW that we all came here with our free agency and who am I to take away someones right to choose who they love, I know that in the end we will stand before our creator and will have to answer to him and him only. He is the only one who has the right to question our choices and decisions. I love ya Lex!

Unknown said...

I am glad you aren't afraid to stand up for your true beliefs. When I listened to Packer's speech, I was shocked by how cold and blunt it was. What made it worse was people praising his speech at Institute.

Lauren Graff said...

I agree but I disagree...

Jessica Collett Larsen said...

I have been crying for days about this too. I feel like I am alone but I'm glad I'm not.

dhilk3785 said...

Alexis, great great blog. You really do impress me with knowing where you stand on issues and also knowing your testimony. Te amo! Jessica, with Alexis in this world you'll never be alone as a member of the church.

C&N Sherman said...

Love you too Lex, but call me when you want to talk

Sherm's Store Inc. said...

O my beloved brethren, give ear to my words. Remember the greatness of the Holy One of Israel. Do not say that I have spoken hard things against you; for if ye do, ye will revile against the truth; for I have spoken the words of your Maker. I know that the words of truth are hard against all unclean-ness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken.(2Nephi 9:40)
4. Wherefore, meaning the curch, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me; 5. For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.(D&C 21:4-5)
and lastly one of my favorites... when I am having trouble accepting words of my leaders.
14. Behold, thus saith the Lord unto my people--you have many things to do and to repent of; for behold, your sins have come up unto me, and are not pardoned, because you seek to counsel in your own ways.
15. And your hearts are not satisfied. And ye obey not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness.

My two cents-
Don't take these things to be hard, for me the main theme of conference or what I took from it is that we need to step up and demonstrate FAITH. It is an action word. We can demonstrate it by not kicking against the pricks (D&C 121: 38) and instead, cutting out the noise and distraction of the world, kneeling down when we are alone and in a reverent peaceful location ASKING the SOURCE, our Heavenly Father our doubts or concerns. If you ask a specific question such as Is the Book of Mormon the word of God? or Was/Is Joseph Smith a true prophet? or even better; Is President Packer truly an apostle? If you do this, I have an unshakable testimony that every time if you ask with real intent (meaning you will act in faith no matter if it is an answer you want or not, YOU WILL OBEY)... so with real intent, GOD Will speak, You Will hear, and you no longer need to doubt. I love you too Lexy, I think you are great and Natalie will kill me as soon as she reads this. I am not trying to push you away, these are not my words but the words of the prophets. I know that whatever is spoken by the mouth of his servants is true and God will tell anyone personally also! Listen to GOD, not to Harry Reidman.
P.S. No offense Lex but anyone who tells you, that your personal views are right is wrong! WE are never right, GOD is right. If someone tells you to use your own judgement and not ask GOD, they are bad and I would run from them. Remember your parents, friends, or missionaries didn't tell you to get baptized. ha ha and you hopefully didn't tell yourself. God told you, let Him do it again. Love you,
Colby Sherman (ya know Natalies husband)

Alexis Lopez said...

Colby, I appreciate your comments, but in my post I referred to different instances where Apostles and high councilmen of the church actually contradicted what Elder Packer said. I never said I do not believe he is an apostle of God, I know he is. I also know that Heavenly Father has blessed me with logic and reason, and I can see contradiction. I see contradiction in the fact that the written text of this talk has now been changed. I have spent countless hours on my knees, and in the scriptures. I know too much to be able to agree with this talk. I am not listening to anyone when I post this except my heavenly father, and my heart.

Derek, Nikki, and Avrie said...

I agree but disagree. I always appreciate your opinion and views. It is refreshing to see people speak their minds. If you would like you can read my response to his talk on my blog.

Erin said...

I absolutely LOVE your take on this!