Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm sorry I am not an illogical girl.

One of my least favorite things is officially "Twilight Mania." This weekend I was invited to see the movie with my sisters and mother. Loving family outings like this, I happily accepted. 
My opinion on the book was not great. I watched a talk show that Stephanie Myers, the author, appeared on. After she and the hosts compared her to JK Rowling, I became incredibly anti-Twilight. While I did enjoy reading the book before at that moment I discovered a new found hatred. Her books lack in character development, and dialogue.  The stories aren't even comparable and the writing is like comparing a writer for a college newspaper to a writer for the New York Times. Ridiculous! 
Now the movies reinforce the belief that falling in love is the greatest thing and only thing worth happening in your life. People can survive without love and without the one they love. You will not die if they are gone. Plain and simple life moves on. Am I honestly suppose to believe that these seventeen year olds have an undying love? That is entirely based on her smell and his looks? Give me a break!  I hate that movie and I hate that book. I do not want to deal with teenage girls who think that is how life really is. 
I would now like to thank Stephanie Myers for reminding me why being a feminist is so great! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I would never be a Zoobie!

The Top Ten reasons why I would NEVER attend BYU
***note this is only the top ten reasons why I would never attend the school. Not the only reasons only the top ten! ***
10-Attending church at the school. I like being able to sit in a chapel.
9- Tests on Saturdays!
8-  I like men with beards!
7- Provo, Utah... need I say more?
6- I am not quite self-righteous enough to attend that school yet. 
5- The Honor Code! I enjoy my agency, thank-you! 
4- Austin Collie... although a good player what he represents is #6 and he is incredibly outspoken about it. You don't say that stuff Collie! 
3- Knowing that being "True Blue" equals "Aggie Blue." Why would I want my school colors to be a lie?
2- I don't want to poof my hair, or get ready to go work out! I am not that superficial of a person. 
1- Dave Rose! I could never root for their basketball team because I have zero respect for the coach of it. Take college basketball away from my life and you take away my life. Plus I would never want to be on the opposing side of the Aggies this year at the ESA or any year!