Monday, January 19, 2009

a look back

As January 20, 2009 nears, I cannot help but look back on these past 8 years, and think "What the hell, America?"  

It is an extremely sad well known fact that our now current president is excellent at sticking his foot in his mouth. He has become the laughing butt end of multiple jokes, and he is the man that represented our country for the past 8 years. I for one am glad that this year we voted for the intellectual instead of the person we felt we could have a beer with. 

I know we are all laughing. I look back and laugh hysterically but at the same time a part of me cannot laugh because this man was (actually right now he still is) the president of the USA. 

Now it would be incredibly unfair of me to only dislike this man because of the simple fact that he isn't the greatest orator. There are multiple other reasons I am disappointed in this presidency. Including but definitely not limited to... 
1- No Child Left Behind! 
2- The War in Iraq
3- The Economy 
4- The lack of an energy policy
5- Hurricane Katrina  

6- Using fear in order to persuade the american people. 
7- Water boarding! 
8- The Patriot Act and the wonderful wire-tapping that cam with it! Habeas whatas? 
9- Immigration policy
10- Our foreign relations
11- The insane increase in executive powers. Check and balances... who needs them? 

I have a lot of hope and am trying to go into tomorrow incredibly optimistic, but seriously America! Can we never again elect someone based on whether we think they would be fun to party with. Lets continue to pick the intellectual! 

Monday, January 5, 2009

And so is life....

It has been quite awhile since I wrote a blog, so this one will be extra special! By extra special I mean almost the exact same!

What I have learned in the past month or so.... 
  • Utah State Basketball is all it's cracked up to be! The Aggies may not be getting that much attention from the state (big surprise) but they are getting plenty of national attention! Check it out Kyle Whelliston on! WAC play starts today and I feel an amazing season coming on. Plus the newbie point guard is possibly the greatest rebounding guard, can shoot the three, and somehow can dunk (Lebron style)! 
  • Taco Bell is still a glorious place! I eat there way too much and my body is starting to not enjoy it but as I paid for my weekly late night meal tonight. I began talking to the cashier! I somehow ended up with a lot more food then I purchased! AKA They put free food in my bag! It made me remember how awesome Taco Bell is! 
  • I love Seinfeld! I especially love Elaine and see where some of my antisocial characteristics and judgments have come from. 
  • There are a few horrible words that a guy could call a girl including: "Slut", "Whore", and my personal least favorite "Bitch." For a while I have been looking for the words that a girl could call a guy. I thought that "Jackass" was pretty fantastic and then I stumbled upon it... the word "douchebag" is possibly the worst insult for a guy coming from a girls mouth.  Like any other type of name calling or curse word, you must use it sparingly as to not allow it to lose its shock factor! Use it well, girls! 
  • Driving out to Provo to watch BYU's home court winning streak come to an end is always worth it! Watching the 23,196 fans in the Marriot Center wipe tears from their eyes is the greatest.  Also being able to do the "right left" cheer 3 times while being surrounded by cougar fans is amazing! I hope everyone is able to enjoy this one day!
  • The NBA and the NFL will let you down! AKA the Jazz continue to lose and the Cowboys didn't make the playoffs! That is still blowing my mind the freaking NFL dream team didn't make the playoffs! 
  • Houston Baptist players are radical!
  • Guitar Hero World Tour is addicting and incredibly time consuming! 
  • Staying up until 7 am on news years night is never a good idea. Although enjoyable and full of many awesome moments, when you sleep in until 3:30 pm then getting to bed before 6 the next morning is very hard. Suddenly your circadian rhythm is off! This is why I am up right now writing a blog! Oh well I love it!