Monday, January 19, 2009

a look back

As January 20, 2009 nears, I cannot help but look back on these past 8 years, and think "What the hell, America?"  

It is an extremely sad well known fact that our now current president is excellent at sticking his foot in his mouth. He has become the laughing butt end of multiple jokes, and he is the man that represented our country for the past 8 years. I for one am glad that this year we voted for the intellectual instead of the person we felt we could have a beer with. 

I know we are all laughing. I look back and laugh hysterically but at the same time a part of me cannot laugh because this man was (actually right now he still is) the president of the USA. 

Now it would be incredibly unfair of me to only dislike this man because of the simple fact that he isn't the greatest orator. There are multiple other reasons I am disappointed in this presidency. Including but definitely not limited to... 
1- No Child Left Behind! 
2- The War in Iraq
3- The Economy 
4- The lack of an energy policy
5- Hurricane Katrina  

6- Using fear in order to persuade the american people. 
7- Water boarding! 
8- The Patriot Act and the wonderful wire-tapping that cam with it! Habeas whatas? 
9- Immigration policy
10- Our foreign relations
11- The insane increase in executive powers. Check and balances... who needs them? 

I have a lot of hope and am trying to go into tomorrow incredibly optimistic, but seriously America! Can we never again elect someone based on whether we think they would be fun to party with. Lets continue to pick the intellectual! 


Dirty South said...

Lex, I respect you and your political intelligence. But truly you know obama is someone that everyone in America is hoping to have a beer with.

Alexis Lopez said...

I respect your comment (whichever south weber girl you are), but I am referring to the fact that when bush was elected one thing said about him was that people felt they could have a beer with him. One of the main concerns of Obama that he was too much of an intellectual and not someone that you could just have a beer with.