Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's get political, political!

I love the idea of a grass roots organization getting together and rallying to persuade elected officials. I love the fact, that as Americans, we have a right to do just that. I wish more people were involved with the political system, and would inform themselves on the candidates, and issues.

Yet, I still have a major problem with the Tea Partiers (Tea-Baggers/Donkey-Punchers).

This has nothing to do with the fact that we don't agree on certain issues. I think conflict is good when making decisions. I believe that it enhances creativity, if it is HEALTHY conflict, and that is my main problem, they are not creating HEALTHY conflict.

For example, I am a fan of HCR (health care reform), because I believe that health care is a right not a privilege. I  would like to stop the insurance companies from treating people like all they are is a dollar sign, and  start treating them like human beings. I love that I have health care right now, even though I do not have a job with benefits, and I graduated from college in May. If I didn't have health care now, I would be in massive debt (Europe +banana chips + tooth).

Now, another person may disagree with HCR. Instead of claiming it to be socialism/communism, and using words that induce fear. The disagreement should focus on the cost of HCR, or what not. Something that isn't meant to put fear into the hearts of Americans, but instead something that will educate them.

Whether it was a liberal saying Gerorge W. Bush was a facist/Hitler, or a conservitive saying Obama is a communist/socialist/Hitler; it was/is not good for America. It doesn't give people the time to look at the facts, and make decisions for themselves. Instead, it causes people to tend to hate "the others." If a republican was to sit down, and listen to my opinion on issues, and also share theirs with me. It would do more good for both of us, then them calling me an "elitist," and me calling them a "bigot." Right? We would understand each others views, and maybe see the benefits of their views, and better see the faults of our own, or  maybe neither of our minds would change, but we probably wouldn't be questioning the others character like we are toda, and instead have some respect for the other. 

When I sit down and look at all the men who have been the president; I do not believe one of those men ran, or made decisions, with the intent to ruin America. All of them believed that they could help, and they all loved their country. This is why the tea-party disgusts me. They are constantly saying that Obama is doing these things because he is Muslim, and that he is out to make the USA into a communist country. He isn't! Questioning character and creating fear in politics does no good. Questioning actions/ideas, and educating yourself on issues does wonders. Please, make healthy conflict.

It's time for the conservatives to turn off Glenn Beck, and the rest of the Fox News team, and it is time for liberals to turn off Keith Olberman, and the rest of the MSNBC team. It's time for us as Americans to educate ourselves, and talk to each other. Educate ourselves on what the "other" believes, and why.

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