Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dan^2 Clothing Challenge

In my Honeymoon & Wedding post, I listed some of the discoveries of married life. One was that Dan and I have so many matching clothes that we could probably wear the exact same or very similar thing for at least a month. That got me curious about how long we could actually go, and maybe it got you a little curious also. I posted a poll question in the right side of this blog, and am curious as to if you would like "A Convenient Truth" to participate in a Dan^2 matching challenge. If you want our daily matching to be documented and blogged then vote for it, and if you would absolutely hate seeing that then vote the other way. Thanks!
Softball Shirts!


KrisMarieWilson said...

Who cares you guys match, look at Dan's hair! lol

Anonymous said...

Dan's hair is amazing!!