Monday, October 13, 2008

To sleep or not to sleep...

That is the question in my mind at the moment! Obviously I have decided on "not sleeping." Why?  Maybe because my body is not tired and my mind is on overload.  There are many reasons why I cannot sleep right now and I have decided to share them on a blog.

1- Facebook Chat and MSN messenger! I probably spent 4 hours talking to people on both of those things tonight instead of doing my accounting homework.  Dan, Adrienne, Lia, and Pedro were the culprits in this, but I too avoided it by using those instant messengers. Bah! 

2- Accounting homework! I continue to stay up in hopes that I will pull myself off my computer and do my homework. As you can the existence of this blog...I have not been successful. 

3- and! I can look at the same thing on both of those sites for hours. They do not change or update, but I continue to go back and forth between those two sites. 

4- Candy Corn! It is packed with sugar and I continue to eat my bag of it at 2:30 in them morning. Sleep might be out of the question. 

5- The stresses that have come with this past week/month. I am always thinking about it and I need to stop. 

6-  Unemployment! It stresses me out, so much to not have a job. I am going to soon have to use food stamps or something. I have absolutely no money, and according to my potential employers I am somehow not the right fit for their workplace. 

7- Making decisions about important things in my life and what road I want to go down.  

Some of these are open because I didn't want this to become a too personal blog; since it is open to the public. Also I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy, but sleep seems so far away right now! Maybe I will try out my nice big bed.... possibly sleep will come when I am not sitting in a hard chair in front of my computer screen. 

1 comment:

Alex and Sam said...

Yo Lex I feel ya girl. Hang in there. Especially on the Job things and the stresses of life. Things will work out. They always do! Loves!