Friday, October 24, 2008

1:51 AM

I possibly suffer from insomnia, or I suffer from "can'tgetawayfromfacebookia." I have yet to figure out which one it is, but hopefully I can overcome it and allow myself the joys of sleeping. 
These past few weeks have been fairly enjoyable. This blogs list will exist of my most/least favorite memories of the last two weeks or so! 

Favorite Memories (in no particular order)! 

1- Drinking Jones Root Beer! It is ridiculously tasty! I have had too many though and am starting to get sick. 
2- The "Save a Tree...." comment made at Mr. USU!  Ridiculous!
3- Riding THE ROCKET RE-ENTRY at Lagoon. It is still incredibly frightening taking that ride to the top but so enjoyable. 
3a- As a side note Wicked, The Spider, and The Samurai were all equally enjoyable. "Lagoon it's what fun is!"
4-Finding out that every other girl is as ridiculous as me in the late night text they will send out. 
5-Long Johns + Hollywood Video + Brots!
6-HOMECOMING WEEK! It is so fantastic! I cannot wait for the game on saturday. 
7- Finding out who Craig Clark really is
8- Jason and Andy are home! I will be seeing them again tomorrow. 
9- Watching TCU slaughter BYU!
10- Dan's haircut!

Least Favorite Memories (in no particular order)!

1-  The way this weeks dodgeball turned out. It was scary, and made the playing of dodgeball non-existent. Hopefully the tradition continues. 
2- Doing horribly on my accounting test when I felt I did so well. I am contemplating crying over that.
3- Dealing with being a crazy girl who sends out idiotic text messages at night. 
4- Dan's haircut. Although hilarious... I can't help but feel bad. 
5- Always losing to Cam in ping-pong.  For once I want to win a bloody ping-pong match. 
6- Not seeing Buggy when I went home over the weekend. I don't know where he is or was! 
7- Papers! Papers! Papers! That is all I have been doing lately! 
8-  Going to school in a t-shirt on monday, and freezing to death! 
9- Cal losing to Arizona! They are not a dependable team to root for this year. 
10- Not going to Thriller for the second year in a row! 

That has been my last few weeks or so! I have enjoyed it for the most part! Now I will leave you with a question: Whose that Spartan in my teepee? 


Dirty South said...

Its me! Its me!

Hannah said...

Alexis, I am blog stalking you. AND, the "Save a tree..." comment was my good friend, Lee Cannon. While I have to give credit to him for the tree/beaver part, I came up with the Michael Ballam part, as well as the bit about his car. Thank you, thank you.