Sunday, May 30, 2010

Utah, people working together

Day 19 aka "the story of why I am in London, England and not Bern, Switzerland."

The day started like any other day. I woke up, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and checked my email. I was heading to the train station to get on a train from Paris to Bern. I had some bananna chips that I was eating from the day before, so I decided to skip my hostels warm milk and cereal breakfast, and eat those instead.  
At the international train station I was looking for my place to go, but those da*n French don't put anything in English even in "international" or touristy places. As I am walking around I decide to rest and put my bag down for a second. Alright well putting your bag down, even right next to you, proved to be a bad decision. So I am sure we can all see where this story is going... Someone steals my bag (everything I have), but alas there is a good Samaritan in the train station. He chases the bag thief who is now running up a nearby staircase and grabs his leg and pulls it...just like I an pulling yours ;)
What actually happened was those bannana chips that I was eating earlier were real. Before I went to the train station, I bit down on one of them and a tooth that I had just gotten fixed cracked in half. I tasted blood and a similar taste to how your mouth tastes after the dentist. My mouth killed. I still went to the train station in hope that it would feel better. It didn't. I called my mom and Dan. My mom told me that my only option was to live with it for the rest of my trip, and that she couldn't thinknof anything else.  Dan also tried to figure something out but eventually I decided to just come home because I wasn't enjoying myself and didn't feel like I would enjoy the rest of the trip with an aching, very uncomfortable, bleeding hole in the back of my mouth. I chunneled to London and went and talked to American airlines. They changed my flight from June 25 to may 30 for a small charge. After that I looked for a hostel but all the ones that weren't in incredibly sketchy places were booked. Dan was looking up hotels and hostels too. Eventually I just gave up and walked up this strip that this lady at the airport told me had a lot of hotels. Well the first one was £200 a night and the next two after that were similarly priced. Also it wasn't a strip of hotels it was a hotel then 3 blocks then another hotel then 3 more blocks and so on (I am carrying my heavy backpack around) finally I see a Marriott and say to myself if this is less then £100 I will stay here and it was £75 so I stayed there for the night. I had privacy for the first time in 20 days and a hot untimed shower. It was wondeful! 

That is the sad and strange story of why I am coming home. I know it is pretty lame and the moral of it is don't eat bannana chips while on vacation. 

Day 20

Today I will be flying all day. I am currently on a plane to Dallas and after a 4 hour layover, I will be flying back to SLC where Dan is picking me up. I hope to see you all soon. I am sad that day 20= slc instead of day 46, but I am excited to see everyone.

PS this wasn't posted on the plane ride, only written. I do not have Internet on the plane.

I would also like to add that I was planning on purchasing souvenoirs for a select few people, but due to the abrupt changes in my plans I wasn't able to. I apologize.   


C&N Sherman said...

Ha I really believed your first story, then didn't believe your 2nd due to the first. But that is crazy girl! I am sad to see you had to end your adventure early, but I'd say 20 days is still pretty long. And that way you can come to Whit's shower. In fact I am going to go address one to you right now. Hope your tooth gets better soon!

Nate & Mandi said...

How sad that you can't finish your trip! I am excited that you are coming home though. I can't wait to hear stories!

Jessica Collett Larsen said...

So many people have layovers in Dallas :) next time you'll just need to STAY in Dallas for a while! I'm sorry about your trip, but you need to update your blog now!